The meaning of RIGHT WING is the segment of a political group that calls for greater adherence to conservatism. How to use right wing in a sentence.
10. The relative rights are public or private: the first are those which subsist between the people and the government, as the right of protection on the part of the people, and the right of allegiance which is due by the people to the government; the second are the reciprocal rights of...
he played down the numbers. Spilling the beans, he said his administration had only spent RM83 billion in fiscal injections. This means Muhyiddin’s government did not actually help the people to the tune of RM530 billion as
An attempt will be made to demonstrate that right-wing Latin American governments have deepened the pre-existing divide between —on the one hand—bodies who are targeted by biopolitical strategies and —on the other— of bodies who are the object of cruelty as a means of governing them. ...
The electoral performance of a left-wing/centrist government is more likely to be negatively affected by a crime shock than that of a right-wing government. 3.3. Equal retrospective sanctions The most straightforward alternative argument is that voters do not take into account the position of the...
Those currently in China should consider leaving using commercial means, it said, noting that the department has requested all non-essential US government personnel to defer travel to China because of the novel coronavirus. The travel warning is the highest Level 4 – Do Not Travel – in the ...
10.1057/s41599-018-0132-6 ARTICLE government policies, the political establishment of the two ruling parties that have dominated politics in Greece since the fall of the military junta (1974) and up until 2015 when left-wing SYRIZA came to power, and mainstream media, by typically resorting to...
against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” According to theU.S. Department of State (2004: xii), “the term international terrorism means terrorism involving citizens or the...
establishment of state and government only: some groups may be seen as terrorists by the right, but may be seen as free fighters by the left. Right-wing movements usually support their own national sovereignty and oppose it. In Europe, pro-eu ...
As all mainstream parties have pledged not to collaborate with AfD, the two states might face a tricky situation when forming a new state government.If the projections were right, the current party alliance in office will all lose their majority after the election....