To cure any disease, proper use of medicine or taking medicine in the correct order is required. Even patients from developed countries struggle to maintain their drug compliance. There is an odd parallel between underdeveloped, emerging nations and the so-called developed w...
The human GM consists of approximately 100 trillion cells, with the highest diversity found in the colon. A diverse GM is rich in number and variety, playing a key role in maintaining metabolic health. Disruptions to GM diversity due to diet or medication can lead to metabolic diseases. Emergi...
e right medication. you may no be taking the right may no be taking the right medication.The article differentiates the properties of two drugs the diuretics and beta-blockers drug. According to NHLBI study, diuretics are better drugs which lowers blood pressure and risk of ...
2. The doctor said I need to start taking my medication right away. 3. The fire department responded right away to the emergency call. 4. I realized I left my phone at the restaurant and went back to get it right away. 5. The teacher asked the students to start their homework right...
As I said, I do not begrudge the medical benefit for government servants. What I do begrudge are those who take it for granted, instead of taking responsibility for their own well-being. If the Government can work on getting its workforce in shape, non-public sector citizens too can do ...
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that blocks the virus from making copies of itself after you've been exposed. Using PrEP the right way could lower your risk of getting HIV from sex by as much as 99%. It could be worth taking PrEP if: Your partner is HIV positive. You ...
Judge Martin Hurst said although the defendant had been diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, his actions were caused by the “voluntary taking of illegal drugs”. He told Lainchbury: “When you take prescribed medication instead of illegal drugs you’re not a risk to others. ...
You will be taking standardized tests for years to come during medical school and residency. If you are scoring in the lowest 25% of the MCAT, I recommend considering other options. 4. How robust is your GPA and will it stand up to the average GPA of m...
Finding the right medication and dose can take time. Less than 50% of people with depression respond to their first medication, while 30-60% will experience unwanted side effects. Your Genetics Your genetic makeup influences the way you respond to medications. CNSDose is a test that analyses ...
Certain medications have several side effects, some of which can be dangerous when combined with a high summer temperature or extended stay in the sun. It’s important to read the warnings on the label of any medication you are taking. If you notice that the drug has a s...