He was mild hypoxemic, a right upper lobe atelectasis and a left basal consolidation was evident on the chest X Ray. By patient referral the right atelectasis was present since 3 years, and had undergone two previous bronchoscopies in another institution without diagnostic yield. Antibiotic therapy...
Bronchial glomus tumor with right upper lobe atelectasis Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology / Jornal Brasileiro de PneumologiaDe Azevedo-Pereira, Artur EugênioPezati Rigueiro, MoacyrAbro, Fernando Conrado
We experienced acute lung collapse of right upper lobe during left thoracotomy. We assumed that the cause of the atelectasis was an obstruction of right superior lobar bronchus by mucus. The possible cause of lung collapse is described. 展开 ...
Hypertrophy of the thmus diagnosed intraoperatively; chest roentgenogram had suggested atelectasis of the right upper lobe A 14-month-old male infant was admitted to Tenri Hospital for evaluation of an abnormal shadow on his chest roentgenogram suggesting atelectasis of the rig... F Tanaka - 呼吸...
Chest radiographs showed a nearly complete consolidation of the right lung with air bronchogram and atelectasis of the left lower lobe (Fig 1). CT scan further revealed the presence of air bubbles in the right superior lobe, which is consistent with necrosis and abscess formation (Fig 2). Down...
The study demonstrated abnormal radiotracer uptake in the right upper lobe, which correlated on the SPECT/CT to an area of airspace consolidation thought to be secondary to atelectasis. To the best of our knowledge, there is one published case of MIBG radiotracer uptake in the lung correlating...
AtelectasisBronchial rupturePneumothoraxThoracic traumaA 20-year-old male patient was admitted to our department with signs of infection. Four months previously, he had been treated with tube drainage for bilateral pneumothorax after being crushed between two vehicles. Right upper lobe atelectasis was ...
We describe a patient in whom lung torsion occurred following right upper lobectomy.Our patient was a 58-year-old man who had a right upper lobectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma. On the first postoperative day, his chest radiograph showed atelectasis of the right middle lobe. Bronchoscopy revealed ...
A Woman with Synchronous Double Lung Cancers of Hilar-type Squamous Cell Carcinoma Complicated by Total Lung Atelectasis and Peripheral Adenocarcinoma Background. Most cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung in women are classified into peripheral type. However, in a case of endobronchial tumor ...
Right middle lobe atelectasis following right upper lobectomy (RUL) has been described previously in isolated cases. The objective of this study was to examine more closely the frequency and clinical significance of RMLA following RUL.The study population included 200 patients who underwent RUL for ...