1. (Anatomy) (in man) either of the upper limbs from the shoulder to the wrist. 2. (Anatomy) the part of either of the upper limbs from the elbow to the wrist; forearm 3. (Zoology) a. the corresponding limb of any other vertebrate b. an armlike appendage of some invertebrates ...
In the upper part of the right arm, the two divisions united to form the median nerve trunk again on the lateral side of the brachial artery. This case report will contribute in the fields of gross and clinical anatomy and will help clinicians for invasive procedures or surgical approach in...
1.(Anatomy) any of the tubular thick-walled muscular vessels that convey oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body. Comparepulmonary artery,vein 2.a major road or means of communication in any complex system [C14: from Latinartēria,related to Greekaortēthe great artery, ...
Drainage of the forearm is accomplished through cephalic and basilic veins; they are joined in the upper arm bybrachial veins, which drain blood from the deep compartments of proximal upper extremities. Confluence of the brachial vein with the veins of theshoulder girdleformsaxillary vein. It, in...
Endovascular repair of the central lesions when feasible allow upper extremity use for access. When endovascular repair is not feasible, femoral vein transposition should be the next choice. When lower limb access sites have been exhausted or are contraindicated as in obese patients and in patients ...
(left lateral position) by 15°. The intestines were pulled by gravity to the left upper abdomen so that the ascendingmesocolonwas fully exposed. After identifying the mainsuperior mesenteric vein(SMV) and ileocolic vessels, an incision in the ascending mesocolon was made along the main SMV ...
iodinatedcontrast throughanIVcatheterintheleftupperextremityveinconfirmed thediagnosisofPLSVCdrainingintothecoronarysinus. Next,iodinatedcontrastwasinjectedthroughanIVcatheter intherightupperextremityvein.Thisconfirmedthattheright subclavianveinemptiedintotheleftsuperiorvenacava, affirmingtheabsenceofRSVC.Thiswasnotedin...
anatomy anatomical analytical amused alveolar alumni ally agony aerated advertised admissible adherence addressing additions acquaintance accord accent abundant zeal yugoslav yourselves yokuts wreck wreath wounds worthwhile workbench wonders wolfe withholding withheld withdraw witches wisely wiry wins winked whereof ...
Otherwise, interposition grafts of vein or prosthetic are acceptable. When extensive repair is required, ligation can be considered because the robust collateral network of the shoulder and supraclavicular fossa can usually provide enough upper extremity perfusion to maintain a viable arm and hand. ...
upper lobe branch of the pulmonary vein (V1–3) ran dorsal to the PA, while V2t and V2c ran ventral to the PA [8]. Qi et al. reported a case in which the V1 ran dorsal to the PA, while the other veins were ventral as usual [9]. Thepulmonary vein anomalycan be identified ...