the full form of rti is right to information . the rti act, 2005, which was adopted on 15 june 2005 by the indian parliament and entered into force on 12 october 2005, grants the right to information. the rti ‘s goal is to safeguard access to data under public authority management to...
UPSC Radio Telugu Podcast - APPSC | TSPSC | UPSC My Podcast is about educating both Civil Service Aspirants and Common Man to understand the depth of our constitution, culture, Agriculture inputs to farmers, and mostly everything that binds and runs our country The Princip...
act, 1976 article 24 – prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. article 24 says that “no child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.” this article forbids the employment of children ...
Another step had taken throughDisaster management Act 2005which by terming Covid-19 as disaster, confer power on the PM,being ex- officio chairperson of the NDMA undersection 3(2)(a) of the Act has power under section 6(2)(i)to take measures for the prevention and mitigati...
The Civil Service Institute Pala emerged as one of the most preferred coaching institutes in Kerala with best in Civil Service, IAS, IPS, UPSC, KAS, Prelims, Mains coaching to achieve exceptional results in UPSC examinations. Full time, Foundation, Weekend Programs available.Read More... Core ...
“a short message service enabling text message to be transferred and/ or originated by any data, application, system, servers, handset device or terminal device etc. which influences, generates, control, facilitate or enable the generation, dissemination, transmission or transition of messages through...