In the event that the total share capital of the Bank changes due to any bonus issue, capital conversion from capital reserve and other reasons before the Rights Issue, the number of Rights Shares will be adjusted accordingly based on the total share capital after the change.
(2) The Board may issue warrants conferring the right upon the holders thereof to subscribe for any class of shares or securities in the capital of the Company on such terms as it may from time to time determine. (2) 董事會可按 彼等不時決定的條款發行認股權證或可換股證券...
1.Ascertain the total market value of the shares which a shareholder is required to possess in order to get additional shares from of the fresh issue. 2.Add to the above market price, the amount to be paid to the company for additional shares of the fresh issue. 3.Find average price. ...
right issue 会稀释ownershipWith the issued rights, existing shareholders have the privilege to buy a specified number of new shares from the firm at a specified price within a specified time.right issue 不是强制性的, 有这个权利 按照便宜的价格 买new share, 你可以不买,如果你不买,你的OWNERSHIP...
Right-to-left mark Right-to-Left Override right-to-left shunt right-to-left shunt right-to-left shunt right-to-left shunt right-to-life right-to-life right-to-life right-to-lifer right-to-lifers Right-to-Match Right-To-Use Right-to-work ...
加 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“preemptive right (in share issue)"翻译成 中文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 The other several co-owners have the preemptive right to purchase the share. 其他共有人在同等条件下享有优先购买的权利。 ParaCrawl Corpus Under the same conditions, the other ...
(2) The Board may issue warrants conferringtherightuponthe holders thereoftosubscribe foranyclassofsharesorsecurities in the capital of the [...] (2) 董事會可按其不時決定的條款發行賦予其持有人權利可認購本公司股本中 任何類別股份或證券的認股權證。
Bonus Shares Its Advantages and Disadvantages ares BonusSharesBonusShareWhen the additionalsharesare allotted to the existing shareholders without receiving any additional payment from them‚ it is known as issue of bonusshares. Bonussharesare allotted by capitalizing the reserves and surplus. Issue of...
尽管美国著作权法第106条清楚规定了作者所享有的五项权利,即复制权(right to reproduce)、发行权(right to distribute)、演绎权(right to prepare derivative works)、公开表演权(right to publicly perform)和展示权(right to display),但到了美国音乐行业,这些权利却销声匿迹,日常高频使用的却是mechanical rights/...
5.The authority to issue Macao currency shall be vested in the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region.澳门货币发行权属于澳门特别行政区政府。 6.option in respect of any unissued shares认购未发行股票的特权 7.issued voting share已发行有表决权股份 ...