CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF THE RIGHT TO FREE LEGAL AID IN INDIAThe present paper explores the constitutional and legislative provision for legal aid. It attempts to provide the various provision of legal aid, which is provided in constitutional and legislative acts. The number of acts ...
right. It becomes imperative to discuss the right to bail and its nexus to the right of free legal aid to ensure the former under the Constitution- in order to sensitize the rule of law of bail to the demands of the majority of poor and to make human rights of the weaker sections a ...
“If it’s for a legal submission, for example, you need to feed it with a lot of cases before you can get something decent. “But even then, the results aren’t good enough for the courts. For simple legal agreements or even standard ones, it’s pretty good, provided you get the...
they are computer programs that have been written with the aid of legal experts in particular, and usually highly specialised, areas of law … These expert systems are designed to function as intelligent assistants in the process of legal problem solving (and can also be used as teaching aids)...
The appellant and appellee must file individual briefs to aid the appellate court in its consideration of the issues presented. Failure to do so results in a dismissal of the appeal. The facts of the case, the grounds for review, and the arguments relating to those questions must be concisel...
and help in the forms of consultation and education. Judicial relief complements legal aid and litigation relief, and is linked with other forms of social relief and aid. The government is conducting research on opening first-aid fast track at hospitals for those injured in criminal cases, provid...
even firefighting has been privatized and handed to profit-seeking corporations. This basic service now depends on how much people can pay. For the Chinese government, people’s safety is top priority. Only by completely eliminating the spread of the virus can the Chinese government fulfill its ...
Mr Macron says he wants to avoid being trapped by those who seek toportray the combat against political Islam asone that "stigmatises all Muslims". It is, rather, about the French state's ability to educate children, believers ornon-believers, asfree-thinking citizens. The struggle, said ...
child to benefit from legal counselandrepresentation;therighttofree legal aid; and the right to expeditious decisions. 任择议定书还应承认重要的法律保障,包括儿童发起来文程序并在此过程 中获得有效支持的权利;儿童享受法律咨询和代表的权利;获得免费法律援助的权利;...
1 : a legal right to pass over another person's land 2 : the area over which a right-of-way exists 3 : the right of certain traffic to go ahead of other traffic 4 : priority sense 1 gave the bill the right-of-way in the Senate Legal Definition right-of-way 1 : an eas...