Subject matter: Confiscation of electoral campaign material shortly before elections day; right to disseminate information without unjustified restrictions; fair trial; right to be elected; discrimination on political grounds 事由:选举日前不久竞选活动材料被没收;在没有无理由限制情况下传播信息的权利;公正审...
s admission policy did not violate the right to education. It emphasised that, where applications exceed the number of school places, admissions authorities have to use a fair process to make practical, objective decisions. Among other things, this means that each application must be properly ...
3. The company has the right to terminate your employment if you violate company policies. 4. Every citizen has the right to vote in elections. 5. It's important to exercise your right to free speech, but also to be respectful of others. 6. The defendant has the right to a fair ...
Despite its ambiguity, the international right to a free and fair election, expressed through the principles of the UDHR and the ICCPR, is substantially incorporated in the domestic law of Sri Lanka. The Constitution and elections legislation recognise essential democratic and electoral rights and ...
Parliament elections in the State of residence; and the right to petition to the European Parliament and to appeal to an ombudsman. 1997 年《阿姆 斯特丹条约》确立了欧盟公民资格,其中包括下列权利:在成员国境内自由迁徙 和居住的权利、在居住国参加地方和欧洲议会选举或竞选职务 的...
"The first three words in the preamble, it says, 'We, the people,' meaning that we, as public servants, we are working for the people to make sure that they have a fair choice and a voice for the candidates that they're choosing," German said. ...
1.something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, doetc.Everyone has the right to a fair trial;You must fight for your rights;You have no right to say that.derecho 2.that which is correct or good.Who's in the right in this argument?cierto,razón ...
The signs suggest that the elections will be non-violent and fair. 种种迹象表明选举将会是非暴力的、公正的。 —— 柯林斯例句 3. You may be a sceptic and put it down to life´s inequalities. 你或许是个怀疑论者,会把它归因于生活的不公正。
12 August 2023,2023 Malaysian state elections,700 per month each,Governance,How much is the pay to that MP in the Dewan ? At least RM25,Malaysia,Penang state election candidates 2023,politics,Saturday.Leave a Comment » It’s almost always flu season ...
2) adj. just, fair, correct. (See: civil rights, marital rights) Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved. RIGHT. This word is used in various senses: 1. Sometimes it signifies a law, as when we say that natural right requires us to ...