But agents of gov't can't be everywhere, and so the citizens have the right to defend their own liberty & property. In the U.S. that right is enshrined in & recognized by the 2nd Amendment. Not every local jurisdiction recognizes this right (...) Now, in California, a state ...
Why Is The Second Amendment Important The second amendment is not only about having the ability to protect yourself from a common intruder but also from your government. There have been many cases of governments turning against their citizens and that is why the second amendment is in place, fo...
In the next section, we will explain how Kant resolves this tension. Once we have established the basic framework of Kant’s political philosophy, we will then put his view to work in order to defend the legitimacy of policies that would regulate the attention economy in various ways. 6.2Dut...
"That it is an indispensable duty which we owe toGod, our country, ourselves and posterity,by all lawful ways and means in our power to maintain,defendand preserve thosecivil and religious rightsandliberties,for which many ofour fathers fought, bled and...
Truman and the Congressional members to commit such an act against The United States Of America service personnel who took the Oath To Defend The Constitution and then were abandoned on the battle field. What were the 200,000 or so Chinese soldiers doing right at the Yalu River? Why were ...
Your picture of yourself is a media myth… Regarding the recent Terrorist Attack in France where a teacher was beheaded by a Muslim shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’: while it was nice to see the French President call the attack what it was, the most of the Media reported on the attack with me...
You could change it, but at this stage it would probably require a constitutional amendment to do so. @Otter Corporations can be sued, prosecuted, fined, have their assets seized, be subject to court orders, or be wound up and their assests confiscated by the courts. They can also be di...
t care which country they started in. There is never enough man power, there are never enough test kits, there is never enough medicine or medical supplies. China is not trying to hide these hardships, they are well known, they are being reported on the news daily in China. There are ...
obligations or dispenses benefits, it may not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” That provision is explicit in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, applicable to the states, and implicit in the Fifth Amendment, applicable to the federal ...
this is a recipe for chaos. Imagine having young children cooped up, yourself included, also a spouse. Nothing to do but look at four walls and a roof…. keep in mind the park may be open, but the jungle gym is closed. How do you keep the kids sane, and the marriage on an even...