Stroke of the right cerebral hemisphere often causes deficits in the judgement of the subjective visual vertical (SW) and subjective tactile vertical (STV) which are related to central vestibular functioning. Clinically, deficits in the SW/STV are linked to balance problems and poor functional ...
We used a whole report experiment for estimation of these two parameters in 22 patients with right side stroke. Psychophysical performance was analyzed using Bundesen's [Bundesen, C. (1990). A theory of visual attention. , 523–547] Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) and compared statistically ...
“Stroke survivors suffer different deficits according to the affected brain area. They may suffer from memory or emotional disturbances, or be challenged by speech, vision, sensory or movement difficulties. In a transient ischaemic attack, commonly called a mini-stroke, the symptoms hit for only a...
” transforming the “win-win chain” into a “blockade chain” and a “confrontation chain.” This has caused disruptions and damage to the originally smooth-running global supply chain. These countries narrowly view trade deficits as “losses,” forcibly swaying public opinion, and attempting to... turn to one side; to divert; to bypass. 2.a passage or anastomosis between two natural channels, especially between blood vessels. Such structures may be formed physiologically (e.g., to bypass a thrombosis), or they may be structural anomalies. ...
This syndrome as a rule is secondary to a right-hemisphere stroke, and in particular involves spatial disorders and constructional apraxia. Among the spatial disorders, the so-called neglect syndrome can be distinguished, i.e. unilateral spatial disorders pertinent to the left side. The right ...
We now examine motor deficits in each arm of severely paretic chronic stroke survivors with unilateral damage (10 left-, 10 right-hemisphere damaged individuals) to determine whether hemisphere-dependent deficits are correlated with functional independence. Clinical evaluation of contralesional, paretic arm...
We examined RH stroke cases on tasks that manipulated semantic control and compared their deficits with SA patients who have left hemisphere lesions, for the first time. It was predicted that: (1) RH patients would be at ceiling on basic semantic tasks, since activation in simple semantic ...
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From a sample of 90 stroke cases showing visual inattention following right hemisphere brain damage, 17 cases were identified who showed more inattention on the right than the left side on some tests. Eight of these subjects had CT scan-confirmed unilateral right hemisphere damage and one of thes...