Beyonce's rep fired back after duo Right Said Fred claimed Bey used a sample of their song without their permission.
This, he said, is clearly is a decision or action taken by Najib in relation to the government guarantee, which was to guarantee KWAP the repayment of the loan by SRC, in which Najib had an interest of a nature that is caught under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission ...
I guess. Emmy said it could make her afraid and maybe even mean. Angel was her dog, not mine, so I just left her alone. I don’t like swatting anyway and never did. I don’t like hurting things, you know. My wife said the imp and I...
Fred Palumbo LOC // Wikimedia Commons 1963: Betty Friedan publishes 'The Feminine Mystique' People often describe feminism as coming in several waves and historians often credit Betty Friedan's seminal book, "The Feminine Mystique," with helping spark the second wave. While far from a perfect ...
Where I don’t agree is when a company forces you to write code for their device which is not necessarily more efficient, and where (as said above) they control the use of the device once it is bought. If you buy an iPhone or iPad or iTouch, don’t you have the right to run on...
Archival Brewingis said to have great Fish & Chips, although I haven't tried them yet. ROAM BY SAN CHEZ Google Street View Google Street View Roam by San Chez, downtown across from DeVos Performance Hall and DeVos Place, is a good spot to try. ...
Its CEO said the nail in the coffin came with the purchase of widebody A330s that they couldn't afford once oil prices rose. WOW closed in 2019 after eight years in business. Fotomat Unknown // Wikimedia Commons Fotomat Gold-roofed Fotomat kiosks were everywhere in the 1970s and '80s...
There are indications that the Christian Right's anti-abortion crusade has anti-Semitic components. In 1989,Newsweekmagazine reported that Randall Terry, founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, said, "We have tried to do some outreach to the black and Jewish communities," but admitte...
In FCC v. AT&T, AT&T is arguing that “person” includes corporations in the relevant law, therefore “personal” (in the same law) must include corporations, regardless of the context. Scalia said “I cannot imagine somebody using the phrase like that.” Roberts made, as I quoted above, ...
Where I don’t agree is when a company forces you to write code for their device which is not necessarily more efficient, and where (as said above) they control the use of the device once it is bought. If you buy an iPhone or iPad or iTouch, don’t you have the right to run on...