sciencedirect renal artery renal artery dissection may be a primary renal artery process limited to the main renal artery or its intrarenal branches or may be from extension of an aortic dissection. explore on sciencedirect opens in new tab/window complete anatomy the world's most ad...
Clinical anatomy: official journal of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists & the British Association of Clinical AnatomistsLacout A, Thariat J, Marcy PY. Main right renal artery origi- nating from the superior mesenteric artery. Clin Anat, 2012, 25(8):977-978....
Lacout A, Thariat J, Marcy PY, Main right renal artery origi- nating from the superior mesenteric artery, Clin Anat, 2012, 25(8):977-978.Lacout A, Thariat J, Marcy P. Main right renal artery originating from the superior mesenteric artery. Clinical Anatomy. 2011;25:977-8....
C Günenç,CC Denk - 《Clinical Anatomy》 被引量: 11发表: 2010年 A rare manifestation of clinical T1 renal tumor with parasitic arterial supply from the superior mesenteric artery. A 50-year-old man with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome who had undergone repeated tumor enucleation and transcatheter...
These approaches require a precise knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of vessels at the hilum of the kidney. During routine dissections, a variation in the branching pattern of the right renal artery was noted in an adult male cadaver. The right renal artery divided into upper and ...
pulmonary artery n (Anatomy) either of the two arteries that convey oxygen-depleted blood from the heart to the lungs Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 pul′monary...
intestine, it is diverted to the gall bladder (a small sac-like structure just outside of the liver, connected to the common bile duct) where it is stored and dehydrated until ultimately being shuttled to the duodenum (anatomy of thebiliary tractcan be reviewed in detail inCastaing (2008)...
The conventional anatomy (or type I) (Fig. 7a) is most common. The common hepatic artery, originating at the celiac artery followed by the proper hepatic artery, splits into the right branch and left branch of the hepatic artery. We knowingly use the terms “right branch or left branch ...
The nutcracker phenomenon is usually caused by compression of the left renal vein by the superior mesenteric artery anteriorly and the aorta posteriorly, although variations of this anatomy have previously been reported. We observed a nutcracker phenomenon in a 42-year-old female who underwent portal...
Each renal artery gives inferior adrenal gland arteries and divides in four or five branches close to the hilum. Usually, shortly below the right renal artery, right gonadic artery arises and runs in front of the inferior vena cava. In our Department, during a routine gross anatomy dissection...