Right precentral gyrus and cognitive reappraisal in Chinese middle-aged menMethods: The tendency of using cognitive reappraisal was measured by the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire with a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha= 0.93)(Gross and John, 2003). High-resolution T1-weighted MRI images ...
After the acupuncture treatment, compared with that before, MWoA patients showed significantly increased functional connectivity with the RFPN in the left precentral gyrus, the left inferior parietal lobule, and the left postcentral gyrus (Figure 3). And the increased functional connectivity of brain ...
Precentral gyrus discrepancy in electronic versions of the Talairach atlas. NeuroImage 21: 450. Maldjian JA, Laurienti PJ, Kraft RA, Burdette JH (2003). An automated method for neuroanatomic and cytoarchitectonic atlas-based interrogation of fMRI data sets. NeuroImage 19: 1233. McClernon FJ,...
(3) PPTT RME 2 mA Ø PPTT RME 3 mA Ø Rest Counting while moving UE 1.5 mA Nausea (in the precentral gyrus) Complete MA (1,2) 20 1-back naming while moving UE 1-back naming while moving UE UE MA (NA) PPTT RME 3 mA Ø PPTT RME 3 mA Ø Table 2. ...
2. For all 19 patients in whom the precentral gyrus was exposed, stimulation generated positive motor responses. Sites generating motor arrest (of speech and/or of upper limb movement) were seen in 12 cases. No reproducible cortical sites were found when monitoring nonverbal semantic association ...
Conclusions: It is speculated that erotic stimuli may decrease the function of the middle frontal gyrus, the precentral gyrus, the postcentral gyrus, and the supramarginal gyrus of the left cerebral hemisphere in healthy adult males. This change may debase the inhibitory control of the brain ...
The cluster also partly covered the postcentral and precentral gyri and extended into the anterior supramarginal gyrus. spatial WM deficits were associated with a large cluster of 808711 voxels (total volume = 101.09 cm3) covering the right temporo-parietal junction, inferior parietal lobe, and ...
Results: In the resting state, compared with healthy subjects, patients with SCI showed decreased FOCA in the left putamen, right caudate nucleus, and right superior occipital gyrus and increased FOCA in the left precentral gyrus. In the right ankle dorsiflexion motor imagery task...
(Fig.2B1, C1). Cluster 2 was distinguished from cluster 3 based on lesions found in the left precentral–postcentral–superior parietal gyri (Fig.2B3 vs. C3). Clusters 1 and 4 revealed lesions in the orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus with specific left (Fig.2A4) and right (Fig.2D...
3. The results obtained for the target zone in the right middle frontal gyrus [x, y, z ¼ 41, 23, 29] are shown in Fig. 3a. The reason for choosing these coordinates was that it is located adjacent to the rIFG and is also considered as a part of the multiple-demand system5. ...