the owner of Citibank Plaza shall permit the owner and the occupiers of Cheung Kong Center, their bona fide visitors, and persons using the public car park within Cheung Kong Center, passage by motor vehicles only (except construction vehicles) through the "Non-exclusive Vehicular Right of Way...
1985. Impact of right-of-way construction on vegeta- tion in the Red Lake peatland, Northern Minnesota. Environ. Manage. 9(5): 449-454. doi:10.1007/BF01866344.Grigal, D. F. 1985. Impact of right-of-way construction on vegetation in the Red Lake Peatland, northern Minnesota. ...
Right-of-Way William E. Bauer, in Pipeline Planning and Construction Field Manual, 2011 Introduction It is the responsibility of a right-of-way group to provide the project a continuous constructible strip of land for the construction of a pipeline and all related surface facilities. This include...
Building relationships is a critical part of the right-of-way and overall land management process. Asking the right questions, establishing an understanding, and gaining trust helps land and property acquisitions stay on course. We help communicate the project and its benefits, build consensus, and...
1) right of way 道路敷 2) pipeline laying 管道敷设 1. It summarizes several ways ofpipeline layingin that re-gion and some insulatio n materials as well as related techniques. 简要介绍了冻土的分类、特性及国内外冻土地带管道建设的研究情况和防治冻害的措施,归纳总结了冻土地带管道敷设的几种方式以及...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> priority precedency precedence antecedence right of way noun Synonyms for right of way Roget's WordNet nounthe act, condition, or right of preceding ...
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 5 摘要: The article evaluates right-of-way equipment, including the Model 3500 forestry mower from Bandit Industries, the BC283 brush and tree shredder from Brown Bear Corp. and the FTX148 tractor from Fecon. 年份: 2010 ...
Right-of-Way: Equal Employment Opportunity on the Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline, 1968-1977 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 32 作者: Welch, Georgia Paige 摘要: This dissertation compares four programs to create equal employment opportunity on the trans Alaska oil pipeline construction ...
1) preparation of right-of-way 施工线路准备2) electrical standard practices 标准线路施工3) zero grade line 路基施工准则线4) construction preparation 施工准备 1. Technical measures for shaft construction preparation on deep waste rock accumulations; 深厚废石堆积层上进行竖井施工准备技术措施 2. ...
Right of Way The primary mission of the Office of Right of Way is to acquire the real property necessary for the construction of transportation facilities. There are four programs associated with Right of Way—Valuation Services, Acquisition, Relocation Assistance, and Property Management. ...