2019: Recursive allocations and wealth distribution with multiple goods: Existence, survivorship, and dynamics Quantitative Economics 10(1): 311-351 Jorgensen, B.S.; Wilson, M.A.; Heberlein, T.A. 2001: Fairness in the contingent valuation of environmental public goods: attitude toward paying for...
Socio-economic implications of cancer survivorship: results from the PROFILES registry Eur J Cancer (2012) H Saul et al. Call for action to end discrimination against cancer survivors J Cancer Policy (2018) G Scocca et al. Towards an EU legislation on the right to be forgotten to access to...
one mode of devolution, namely, succession. The Dayabhaga School neither accords a right by birth nor by survivorship though a joint family and joint property is recognised. Neither sons nor daughters become coparceners at birth nor do they have rights in the family property during their father...