Former President Donald Trump has distanced himself from a Heritage Foundation document that outlines positions on abortion and a range of other social issues.
rotating, or oscillating red or blue lights, visible under normal conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle; and the driver is given audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or bell, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, immediately...
This paper takes as its focus the constituional protections afforded to those seeking abortion rights in the USA, Ireland and Germany, juxtaposing the different constitutional protections in each nation. Drawing on both Frankenburg and Kommers, this paper will examine the importance of comparative ...
That includes what Tides’ chief partnerships officer Dan Shannon calls, “nonpartisan civic engagement activity” in support of eight state and local ballot measures on abortion rights, cannabis, and legislative redistricting in the 2023-2024 election cycle. Another initiative, Res...
They do not like legal abortion, they want to end that in all 50 states. They do not like the idea that we have a secular public school system….’ ‘Christian nationalists’… oppose Critical Race Theory and pornographic books in schools, as well as those Evangelicals who seek political...
Trump-aligned groups including Turning Point USA and the America First Policy Institute have outlined plans to mobilize conservative Christian voters in the election around cultural topics such as abortion, LGBTQ rights and public education curricula. “How many times do we need to emphasize that ther...
Singer Foundation, $40,000 from the Schusterman Family Foundation, and $14,000 from the Jewish Federation of Broward County Chiaroscuro PAC56 Chiaroscuro PAC is a right-wing, anti-abortion political action organization based in New York that seeks to limit expanded access to abortions in New ...
They do not like legal abortion, they want to end that in all 50 states. They do not like the idea that we have a secular public school system….’ ‘Christian nationalists’… oppose Critical Race Theory and pornographic books in schools, as well as those Evangelicals who seek political...
Christian leaders who condemn the immoral partial-birth abortion ruling: Judge Roy Moore, Judie Brown, American Life League Flip Benham, Operation Rescue / OSA Leslie Hanks, American Right To Life Cal Zastrow, Personhood USA Nellie Gray, D.C. March for Life Bob Dornan,...
The nature of abortion. The history of relationships between church and the state. Should children enter school after reaching some age limit or according to their social maturity? The history of birth control. What are the most common types of discrimination at schools?