This list is only going to better and better as it should. One of the top Asian pornstars right now and with very strong Thai roots is Dana Vespoli. Don’t let the name confuse you as there is absolutely no drop of Italian in sight. This hot Asian pornstar is part of many of our...
‘Fishbowl Wives’ is a Japanese-language romance-drama series based on the eponymous manga by Kurosawa R. The plot revolves around six different women residing in a high-end apartment tower and trapped in various types of unhappy marriages. The series depicts their desire for love and how they...
This Japanese psychological thriller has been directed by Ryūichi Hiroki. It follows two women and explores their love-hate relationship, which has more to it than meets the eye. We have Rei (Kiko Mizuhara), a wealthy independent woman who is a lesbian, and Nanae (Honami Sato), Rei’s sc...
Inspired by Japanese animation, Hit-Monkey is both funny and extremely violent. There’s wonderful chemistry among the voice cast members, which also includes Olivia Munn, George Takei, Leslie Jones, and Cristin Milioti. A visual spectacle, Hit-Monkey is a must-watch for Marvel fans, both ...
Director: Akira KurosawaOne of the most influential films in all of cinema, the legacy of Rashomon’s multi-perspective storytelling can be felt in everything from The Usual Suspects to Gone Girl. And there’s not too many Japanese movies that get namechecked on The Simpsons (‘Come on, Ho...
Another movie based on a manga,Homunculusis a live-action thriller about a 34-year-old man down on his luck and with memory loss who volunteers to participate in a trepanation procedure to open his "third eye." Directed byTakashi Shimizu, who also directed the original JapaneseThe Grudgemovie...
While movies might not make you fluent in Japanese overnight, they can be a fun and addictive way to immerse yourself in the language and pick up natural expressions. That’s why we’ve put together some top tips on how to learn Japanese while enjoying Japanese movies!
which spawned one of Hollywood's most popular franchises and iconic characters following the titular monster as it wreaks havoc on Tokyo Bay. Initially, people believe the monster is a sea creature, but they discover it has mutated to survive on land, too. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces mus...
Testing now SK-II R.N.A.POWER Radical New Age Cream byBela9 March, 2017 Do you want new skin or recover it before the darkness seizes it forever? Here you will know more about the secret of the beautiful Japanese skin. I really… ...
Focuses on the automobile industry in Japan. Figures on automobile production in 2002; Information on the closure of several production plants in the country, including the Nagoya plant of Aichi Machine Industry Co.; Background on the automobile production and export history; Ranking of automobile ...