International Classification of Disease (ICD) coding is well known to compliance professionals since it is tied to Medicare coverage and payment and has been a cornerstone issue for the Office of Inspec...
A single case report described a 10-point drop in global IQ and an overall decrease in intellectual performance, “pointing to immaturity in…cognitive development,” in a 12-year-old child 28 months after starting a GnRH analogue for gender dysphoria (Schneider et al.,2017). While it is di...
This Garhoud venue is hosting the ‘Summer of Luv’ brunch (yes, even in winter) – an easy, breezy afternoon, complete with frosty favourite drinks. The brunch features live cooking stations along with DJ sets, live guitar performances and hip-hop flash-mob appearances. Dhs195 (house bevera...
ICD-10 and Compliance -- Joined at the Right Hip 0SG90ZZ?Rinkle, Valerie A.Boerner, Catherine M.Journal of Health Care Compliance
A series of land use maps was also made to investigate vegetation changes indInu cthede fbraygvmeegnetetda tliaonndsrceaspteosr aotfi oCnhipnar'os gLroaemsss P[l3a6te]a.uT, hreemsenamntasp opf inagtutreaclh onri qseumeis‐npartuorvaild e great ...