aA copy of a work is made when: a work is placed into a computer, whether on a floppy disk or into the computer's own memory; when a work is transferred to digital form and placed into a file (a MIDI file in the case of music); when a digitized file is uploaded from a user'...
As we gear up for the newest Star Wars chapters, now in the creative hands of J.J. Abrams, here are six issues to correct. Be warned, the following contains spoilers –not just spoilers of key plot points from the first two trilogies, but also ones that may spoil their magic if one...
I only have the W2 here and based on w 31025 迈克尔杰克逊吧 我思我学故我在 让更多的人了解杰克逊的歌词内涵Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手 As He Came Into The Window 他破窗而入 It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo 弄出巨大声响 He Came Into Her Apartment 他钻进她的房间 He Left The Bloodstains On...
Here, we attempted to establish a reverse genetics system for the novel strain of FAdV-4 isolated from recent outbreak in China, which was different from existing ones and could be easily applied with our recently introduced technique of restriction-assembly [11,12]. We also characterized some ...
The weather is turning colder here in New York City, and yet I’m not quite ready to admit it’s tights season. Blame it on too many late-night reruns of Sex and the City, but if there’s one lesson I’ve learned, it’s as Carrie Bradshaw once said: “In autumn, New Yorkers ...