The meaning of RIGHT-HAND RULE is a rule in electricity: if the thumb, the forefinger, and the middle finger of the right hand are bent at right angles to one another with the thumb pointed in the direction of motion of a conductor relative to a magnetic
弗莱明的左手定则和右手定则-1-Fleming’s Left hand & Right Hand Rule无论何时,一个电流载流导体而来的,是在磁场中,就会有作用于力导体并在另一方面,如果一个导体是强行带到磁场,会出现在导体中的感应电流。在这两个现象中,磁场,电流和力之间都有一个关系。这种关
right hand rule 美 英 un.右手定则 网络右手规则 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 右手定则 例句
right-hand ruledoi:10.1007/1-4020-0613-6_16391Synonym Fleming's rule .Springer US
以下引用百度百科 弗莱明的左手定则 弗莱明的左手定则 将左手的食指,中指和拇指伸直,使其在空间内相互垂直。食指方向代表磁场的方向(从N级到S级),中指代表电流的方向(从正极到负极),那拇指所指的方向就是受力的方向。使用时可以记住,中指,食指,拇指指代“电,磁,力”。 [1]主要应用 编辑 ...
Right Hand Rule **Visual3D始终遵循右手定则。图中围绕u轴(红色箭头与右手大拇指对齐)的正向旋转方向是手指卷曲的方向(蓝色箭头)。** 为了确定关节角度或力矩的符号,用户必须先设想出关节角度或力矩所解决的段坐标系,然后遵循右手定则。例如,考虑膝关节力矩。典型的膝关节力矩是相对于大腿定义的小腿。Visual3D中的...
Learn about the cross product & the right-hand rule in vector multiplication. See how to calculate the magnitude of the cross product & examples of...
回答:你按新的学~ 如图
hand rule (右手或左手定则) 手定则 effective velocity ratio(螺旋桨处) 有效流速与船速比 Waldeyer's sulcus (耳蜗螺旋沟) 瓦耳代尔氏沟 nanukayami (钩端螺旋体病) 七日热 addendum envelope (指螺旋齿轮的) 齿顶包络面 breaking plow (装有近似螺旋型犁体) 开荒犁 piling (旋压后) 隆起 piling (旋压用语...
Normal children, on the other hand, learn important values like tolerance, kindness and compassion through interacting with them. What can be better than this? After all, we want our children to grow up ready for the real world. The question is what kind of world do we want? I, for one...