这是说 cross product (即叉乘,或向量积) axb 还是向量,它的方向依 right hand rule(右手准则)确定,即用右手的中指、食指和拇指分别表示a,b 和 axb,它们作成一个正交标架。
这是说 cross product (即叉乘,或向量积) axb 还是向量,它的方向依 right hand rule(右手准则)确定,即用右手的中指、食指和拇指分别表示a,b 和 axb,它们作成一个正交标架。
right hand rule:右手四指先沿着第一个矢量a,向第二个矢量弯曲,大拇指的方向就是cross product的方向
c=axb,c垂直于a,b确定的平面。右手系: 右手握拳竖起大拇指, 右手四个手指是从 a 到 b 的旋转方向(旋转角度最小<=180度),大拇指方向则为 c 的方向。
The rule which determines the orientation of the cross product u×v. The right-hand rule states that the orientation of the vectors' cross product is determined by placing u and v tail-to-tail, flattening the right hand, extending it in the direction of
Learn about the cross product & the right-hand rule in vector multiplication. See how to calculate the magnitude of the cross product & examples of...
199: Right-Hand Rule Explanation[edit] Theright-hand ruleis a mathematics and physics trick to learning how to find thecross productof two Cartesian vectors in three dimensions. First, extend the fingers of your right hand in the direction of the first vector (in the example diagram in the...
Participants who recognized the non-commutativity of the cross product would often reverse the order ( B&ar;xA&ar; ) on these problems. Also, this error occurred less frequently when a Guess and Check method was used in addition to the right-hand rule.;Three different aspects of orientation...
I do not have any physics background (well besides a intro mechanics class) that has used the right hand rule, so that may be part of the problem. I am close to understanding the cross product, but I need to understand its application to physics to really understand it. ...