My right arm and hand has been numb for 23 days now and sometimes at night or in the morning I am woke up because of severe pain in my pointer, middle and ring finger and sometines a shooting pain in my wrist up to my elbow. I explained that to my Doc and he said I have ...
Kate Smithanswered this Hand And Finger Numbness After Repeated Movements: Most Likely Repetitive Stress Injury Read more New ReplyFollowNew Topic robinbach@aol.comover a year ago I was involved in a work project over a two day period where I did hours and hours of cutting out paper dolls ...
T4 or upper thoracic syndrome, which is caused by the irritation of the nerves near the chest spine, can cause pain between the shoulder blades and abnormal sensations in the forearm, hand and fingers, on one or both sides (Picture 8). The pain may or may not be aggravated by touch and...
6.2.Guyon’s (ulnar) canal syndrome. Entrapment of the ulnar nerve in the wrist due to repetitive compression of the pinky side of the hand, for example in cyclists, can cause pain, tingling and numbness in the little and ring finger and the related side of the hand and wrist and on t...
it passes through the carpal tunnel at the wrist. It gives rise to symptoms of pain andparesthesia(arm numbnessand tingling or “pins and needles” sensation) along the distribution of the median nerve , which includes the nerves supply to the thumb, index, middle, and half of ring finger...
I just shut my eyes, felt the pins and needles sensation in my feet slowly spread into numbness all through my legs, and listened to my tunes. I remember looking at the clock and it was about 11pm. We started to wonder now that it was getting close to midnight if this was going to...
condition withpalpable knotsin the muscle sheaths (fascia) that act astrigger points.Snapping on the muscle knots in the shoulder blade area triggers muscle twitches at the site of the snap and deep aches in the shoulder, the back side of thearm, hand and little and ring finger(Picture 2...