46 percent of hospitalized medical patients received at least one intramuscular injection during their stay.Only 0.4% were reported to have complications. Predisposing factors for iliac bone osteomyelitis are mild trauma, urinary tract infections and Crohn's disease.Kirankumar P Jadhav...
injection; Safest and least-painful site for delivering an I.M. injection; Steps for locating the ventrogluteal site when administering medication.CovingtonTinaP.TrattlerMariaR.NursingCovington TP, Trattler MR. Bull's-eye! Finding the right target for I.M. Injections. Nursing. 1997; 27(1): ...
Administering IM injections the right way - SC - 1996 () Citation Context ...nto the alternate buttock deep into the gluteal muscle. Nursing texts and scientific literature also state that the ventrogluteal location is the preferred injection site for intramuscular injections =-=[27,28]-=-. ...
Administering IM injections the right way - SC - 1996 () Citation Context ...nto the alternate buttock deep into the gluteal muscle. Nursing texts and scientific literature also state that the ventrogluteal location is the preferred injection site for intramuscular injections =-=[27,28]-=-. ...