--ORACLE数据库内创建LEFT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "LEFT" (str in varchar2,sublen in integer) return varchar2 is strlen integer; begin strlen := length(str); if sublen<=0 then return ''; elsif strlen<=sublen then return str; else return SUBSTR(str,0,sublen); end if; return ''...
Oracle数据库中是没有left() 和right() 函数的,若想按照DB2中对应的函数去使用,自己新建两个function即可,方法如下 LEFT CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTION"LEFT" (strinvarchar2,sublenininteger)returnvarchar2isstrleninteger;beginstrlen :=length(str);ifsublen<=0thenreturn''; elsif strlen<=sublenthenreturnstr;elsere...
SQL Copy Output The example below defines the number before the String using the left function. Example2 In this example, we take a string and a number. The number will be added to the left of the String using the left function. Declare @Name varchar(20)-- Declare a char Variable Set...
Example of RIGHT Function with CHARINDEX A common use of the RIGHT function is when we need to get part of the string starting with some character. We can use the CHARINDEX function to find the starting position and use this value with the RIGHT function. In this example, we will get the...
Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.DacFx.x64 v140.3881.1 Represents RIGHT call.C# 複製 [System.Serializable] public class RightFunctionCall : Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.Pri...
The RIGHT function returns a string that consists of the specified number of rightmost bytes or specified string unit from a string.
The RIGHT function returns a string that consists of the specified number of rightmost bytes or specified string unit from a string.
& String$(nDec, "0")), _ WidthOut) Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & Format$(ValIn, "0"), WidthOut) End If Else LPad = Right$(Space$(WidthOut) & ValIn, WidthOut) End If End Function 分步示例启动新的 Visual Basic Standard EXE 项目。 Form1 默认创建。...
(RIGHT is not the only function that can be used this way) all of the connector have "treat function results as string" option. In case of c/NET it is: FunctionsReturnString as described inhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/connector-net-connection-options.html. Finally, this has...
If integer_expression is greater than the length of character_expression, the function returns character_expression.If integer_expression is zero, the function returns a zero-length string.If integer_expression is a negative number, the function returns an error....