SomeoneElse547 Author User level: Level 1 18 points Muffled and ringing right ear So, I recently bought a pair of Airpods Pro and since I've been using them (4 days) I noticed that my right ear feels muffled or stuffed, like when you go in a car with the windows down and a lo...
(Most of the other guests look really uncomfortable as they realise she’s talking about me and it’s obvious that I have hearing aids.) Boss:“Madam, I can assure you we do not allow that. If you could point out the server who is wearing them I’ll happily sort this out for you....
Also experiencing slight ringing in the left ear, some sensitivity to sunlight and even the smallest sounds tend to intensify. Sometimes making small facial movements seems to trigger pain on the affected areas. Having a very hard time sleeping (insomnia) to an extent that over the counter ...
his top-performing songs are an ice cream sundae of grievances: everything from #MeToo to body positivity to abortion to gay pride to white privilege. It’s appealing to a new demographic. “You might not consider yourself someone who ...
abusive ex-husband (Sebastian Stan), Tonya whirls through a story so bizarre you couldn’t make it up if you tried. Blending satire with a hint of sympathy, “I, Tonya” pirouettes through the absurdities of fame, ambition, and the American Dream, leaving you laughing and cringing in eq...
is when a group is laughing and bantering as they come out together, not even thinking while they try to hold the doors open for each other so they can keep talking as they casually amble their way through. When that happens, as it does today, and gunshots are ringing off behind them...
The initial scene of the first verse perfectly captures the innocence of that time, when the biggest concerns were a partner to walk home from school and whether that special someone would accept your invitation to that week’s dance. The second verse is memorable as well, with its ...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...