Some users have found that the right-click button on their laptop touchpad suddenly stopped working, which makes it quite tricky to view more property options by right-clicking. This is rather strange while the left click and the navigation zone work just fine. Up till now, there is no soli...
I'm not sure what is going on but when i try to right click with my touch pad it won't work. i have tried with my mouse and it works. i have - 462954
Touchpad scrolling and right click not working: I have a MacBook Pro 2015 and in Windows 10 my right click and scroll don’t work at all but they work when I boot into Mac OS. My volume shortcuts (f11 and f12) also don’t work but I can control them manually. Any solutions? (I...
✅ Touchpad Buttons Right Click and Left Click not working:For some reason I had to do a clean install of Windows via an Installation Media in which I formatted my C Drive and then installed a fresh copy of...
Normally I use the Spacebar + right-click to adjust the zoom to the canvas. Unfortunately, the key shortcut doesn't work with the touchpad of the notebook. Normal Spacebar + left-click for sliding around the canvas works though. I'll have to use an external mouse for the Spaceba...
Hi - newly delivered laptop - HP Pavilion Laptop 15-eg3xxx - but it seems right-click on touchpad does not work or acts like left-click. Have updated driver - no change. Have re-installed driver - no change. Have switched left and right buttons in touchpad settings. Left-cli...
The right-click touchpad button on my Lenovo Flex 2/15 is not working: it does nothing. Left click is okay. When I plug in a mouse, right-click on the mousedoeswork. When I turn on the 2-finger tap, it also does not open a context menu. I have Wind...
Click in the bottom right corner: This option allows you to right-click by clicking on the bottom right corner of your touchpad.Click in the bottom left corner: This option is mainly for left-handed people, as it allows you to right-click by clicking on the bottom left corner of your ...
So you installed the brand-new Ubuntu system and are enjoying the shinyGNOME desktopwhen you suddenly realize that right click on your touchpad doesn’t work. You might think that something is broken on your Ubuntu desktop but that’s not the case here. Nothing is broken here. In fact, it...
The problem affects all devices, but it’s commonly seen that the HP laptop’s touchpad left and right click is not working. Though Lenovo, Dell, and Acer are no exceptions. Keep reading to find out the solutions! How do I fix the left and right click on a laptop?