This article explains the different unique characteristics of the right and left brain. It explains the brain mapping done at the Mayo Clinic from the procedure to the results. This article also explains brain anatomy and how the right and left brain hav
Ok folks, I’m not sure if this is a joke or what. The Australian Herald Sun posted this Right Brain vs. Left Brain test which is nothing more than a picture of…
Did you know that the left brain controls the right side of the body? It’s true! And even left-handed people have been proven to use the left hemisphere when they write. When discussing the left brain vs. right brain, it’s important to talk about logic and analytical thinking. Analyti...
While the left hemisphere labors to categorize and narrativize life, the right brain experiences it as fluid and ever-changing, grounding us in the present moment. Instead of interpreting life through preconceptions, it attunes to what is happening right now, as well as the feelings it engender...
So what's the problem with these two facts? Despite that they're both true, why are theynotreasons that people are left brain dominant or right brain dominant? Although brain functions can be lateralized, the brain as a whole is a single unit. The corpus callosum is there for a good re...
-1 FUNCTIONSOF LEFTBRAIN Vs RIGHTBRAIN -2 AreyouCreativeorAnalytical? Ourbrainhastwohalves–therightandthe left.Peopleusingleftpartofthebrainare usuallylogicalandanalytical.Whilethose whousetherighthalfofthebrainarecreative, innovativeandimaginative. Doyouwanttoknowwhetheryouarerightor leftbrained? -3 Try...
Uncover the myths and realities behind right brain vs left brain thinking. An online therapist can help you harness the power of new ways of thinking.
Later research showed that one side of the brain is more active than the other for some functions. Language is more localized to the left and attention to the right. So one side of the brain may do more work, but this varies by system rather than by person. There isn't any evidence ...
“It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by co...
So while people are often described as being either right-brained or left-brained, the truth is that they are actually both. While the idea of left-brain vs. right-brain thinkers has been debunked, its popularity persists. Persisting Myths of the Left Brain vs. Right Brain ...