Charlize Theron headlines this popular graphic novel adaptation, a glorious mash of fight sequences and fantasy lore that plays the part of a modern-day actioner. The Old Guard follows a band of do-gooding mercenaries, led by Theron's Andy, who also happen to be immortal. Through the ages...
Mike Lowery (Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Lawrence) fight to clear the name of their late former captain, who’s been framed for corruption. But when things go awry, they soon find themselves on the run, too.
His people fight dragons, but when he gets to know an injured one, he discovers they may not be the monsters he was led to believe. How to Train Your Dragon was a giant hit when it came out in 2010, raking in almost half a billion dollars worldwide and getting a pair of Oscar ...
Howard Hawksonce said a great movie is “three great scenes and no bad ones”.Sam Hargrave’sExtraction 2, which seesChris Hemsworthback in action as black market merc Tyler Rake after all but dying first time out, is a great movie. It’s so good in fact that it pretty much does all... Research Interests Our body is constantly attacked by pathogens. To fight against various pathogens, B cells produce a large antibody repertoire through different processes that involve genomic DNA alterations. During B ...
hugely popular action adventure. Set in 18th century China, Chow Yun-Fat plays a retired warrior pulled into vengeance over a 400-year-old sword. Spellbinding special effects give a gorgeous, kinetic majesty to fight scenes. Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi stand out in roles as powerful fighters....
Chan is his usual likeable self, and most of the fight scenes are creatively choreographed, but from start to finish this is piss-poor near-future sf and in a genre which takes care over its fight choreography not even a Jackie Chan film can stand out, other than by putting him front ...
named Bryce Fowler (Jason Sudeikis), along with the killing of his former tribe of monkeys. In his dying breath, Fowler asks Hit-Monkey to find the assassins’ employer and kill him. But something strange happens: after Fowler perishes, his ghost reappears to join Hit-Monkey in the fight....
so it's hard to find anything not to like. She was the face of the 2012 Union Los Angeles campaign, and can also be seen modeling for brands such as UNIS, Levi's, and Boast. If you're interested in how she responds when someone wants to fight her, check out herinterview in the ...
Nimoy actually had to fight for Nichols and Takei to join when they weren't first included in the animation project. The series ended up winning an Emmy, becoming the first Star Trek series to do so. Related: Picard Makes Star Trek: The Animated Series Aliens Canon Some of the original ...