There is a rich history to Riga Technical University (RTU), which was opened as a polytechnic in 1862 and is the oldest technical university in the Baltic region. The university is an urban campus in the city of Riga, the capital of Latvia. Currently there are around sixty courses taught ...
Event type: University (What is this?) See more TEDxRigaTechnicalUniversity events Speakers Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information. Aija Ambrasa Kaislīga kaitbordiste un ceļotāja. Armands Broks Uzņēmējs, podkāsta "Virzien...
关于Riga Technical University There is a rich history to Riga Technical University (RTU), which was opened as a polytechnic in 1862 and is the oldest technical university in the Baltic region. The university is an urban campus in the city of Riga, the capital of Latvia. Currently there ...
The latest architecture and design student projects from Riga Technical University in Latvia, including a creature-like cabin and a book exchange.
The cooperation between Riga Technical University (RTU) and Dresden University of Technology (TUD; Technische Universitt Dresden) is one of the oldest international partnerships in the history of both universities. It started more than a century and a half ago and continues today. The...
56th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University...
International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)... RTU Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Riga The 2023 and 2024 IEEE International Scientific Conferences on Power and Electrical Engineering are organized by Riga Technical University (...
Riga Technical University - Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (FEEM) Morocco 21. MASTERE SPÉCIALISE EN INGÉNIERIE FISCALE Groupe ISCAE New Zealand 22. Master of Taxation Studies The University of Auckland - Auckland Law...
Riga Technical University Open is a perfect event for ambitious players, but also for chess-lovers with a… somewhat more relaxed approach or busier schedule. There are 3 Opens that only take 4 or even 3 days, so even the busiest of us can participate. ...