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我的Rift S和C..抛去黑屏门不说,折腾后终于能稳定用了,期待官方正式发布新软件固件彻底解决。我用了CV1大约一个月,几乎天天用,S收到几天以来也是天天用。S的画面相比CV1,主要是干净亮堂颜色舒服,清晰度提升和LCD颜
除非短期内云游戏大行其道,或者Quest破天荒插线就能当作Rift S使,否则很难满足VR核心玩家的需求。如果有一款头显,既能长线连家里的主机PC爽大作,也能短线连兜里的VR专用盒子解闲趣,或许会更好卖。PC或盒子(带电池)安装HomeApp,承担大部分的运算任务并为头显供电,而头显只需负责跟踪定位和分屏显示,其在重量、...
87君将这款Rift S称为PCVR 1.0时代的最终章,因为Rift S相比于Rift、HTC Vive等一众PCVR头显相比,更多的是在功能上的改进,而不是技术上的变革。与之对应的PCVR 2.0时代的头显是会使用能够从根本上改变PCVR头显体验的眼动追踪、注视点渲染、内置的无线通信以及大范围的手势识别等技术的新一代产品。 尽管并没...
The Rift and the Vive allow users to set boundaries so as to not run into physical objects, but only the Rift can give a complete VR experience in less than a 7’x5′ area. If you get too close to the boundaries that you have set, the Rift’s Guardian System displays a blue grid...
Oculus Rift S 是否可以作为switch或者PS4之类的hdmi输入显示器用,就是类似于ps VR的影院模式,还是必须得通过PC平台要靠hdmi采集卡来显示。 光遇高手 武林高手 9 游戏推荐:Vrchat,类型:社交推荐等级 5/5简介:最好的社交游戏,最接近绿洲的地方,没有之一Oculus 和steam都可免费获得(网好的话建议在oculus下安装)...
确认是否是显卡直连输出的方法有不少,比较简单的是外接一台显示器,win+s打开“高级显示信息”,如果外部显示器是独显输出就说明是显卡直连。3. 显卡驱动更新到最新。连接设备:1. 打开Ouclus主程序。30系显卡可能会显示“你的电脑未达到最低配置要求,VR体验可能不理想”,估计是Oculus官方还未更新支持,关掉就好了,...
I tried three new VR gadgets that make Quest 3 and 3S even better Meta just accidentally revealed its next VR headset Meta has a bold new strategy for VR This VR headset made me never want to go back to my Quest 2 New leak reveals exactly how Apple’s VR headset will work ...
THE OCULUS RIFT'S EFFECTS ON IMMERSION SURROUNDINGMORAL CHOICE : A study of modern VR technology and itseffects on a user's spatial immersion in avirtual e... This report is about VR and the effects the VR technology Oculus Rift may or may not have on the different kinds of immersion ...
Recently, while installing Asgard's Wrath, we received an error message that our antivirus blocked the installation. We've also had reports of other Oculus game downloads with the same error. The fix should be simple - here's how to get your game installed....