C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-touch-tutorial\TouchNUX2 方法:打开其中的MontereySetup即可使用Rift CV1体验,Rfit S引导页 一些个人想法: 通过Rift S的引导程序可以看出来Rift S和CV1的操作使用区别相差很小,Rift S的游戏大概率和Oculus CV1通用。因为Rfit S的升级幅度原因,CV1用户大概率不会去升级...
你可以通过以下路径前往“Oculus First Steps”:C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-touch-tutorial\TouchNUX2 在TouchNUX2文件夹中启动名为“MontereySetup”的Unreal引擎可执行文件(Monterey是Rift S的代号),然后再通过Rift进行查看。 与原来的Rift类似,在完成Touch设置后系统会将你引导至Oculus First Contact。你...
I’ve opted in on the Kickstarter for a sixense S.T.E.M tracker setup and will integrate it once the dev-kits ship next summer. Aside from the hydra integration, a lot of the work has gone into small tweaks to the game to fix things that just weren’t very compatible with the ...
Motion Controller Component Setup Skill_family: Tutorial Level 1 Version: 5.0 Parent: sharing-and-releasing-projects/xr-development/supported-xr-platforms/developing-for-oculus/OculusHowTo Order: 4 tags: Basics topic-image:HTGuardian_System_Topic_Image.png prereq:sharing-and-releasing-projec...
Your VR Setup: For this tutorial you will need: A VR Headset: Oculus CV1 or DK2.Buy one fromOculus Store,Oculus Ready PCsorebay.Note: Even though I say this tutorial works with Gear VR – that is not the best system to develop and test with because you still can’t plug a Gear ...
Improov3 is super easy to setup: we can send to you a trial if you give us your e-mail in private message and you can be getting started in 5 mins. We also strive to keep it very easy to use: here is a full tutorial in 2 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXca0ljUJo...
ISBoxer 42 — Quick Setup Wizard — RIFT (view) - submitted 8 years ago by MiRai ISBoxer -- RIFT -- Follow & Assist Macros (Simplified) (view) - submitted 11 years ago by MiRai RIFT Multiboxing Tutorial - 5 Character Teams Made Easy! (view) - submitted 11 years ago by Jeran Ge...
any idea what’s the problem? Reply semidark August 27, 2013 at 10:06 pm and as usual… After writing this comment I figured out what the problem was. the Cython Version in Ubuntu 12.04 is to old. Had to use the cython dev releases to follow this tutorial. https://launchpad.net...
With this package installed no scripting is required to setup voice chat in your DR2 based game - simply drop a few components into your scene for instant high quality voice chat. To get started check out the Dark Rift 2 Quick Start Tutorial. Using this package requires that you have alrea...
Lets’s build the ARKit Unity3d Sample Setup your iPhone or iPad First you need an Apple IOS device running IOS 11. To install the latest iOS 11 Beta, log into your Apple developer account, and go todownloadand download theiOS_11_beta_Profile.mobileconfigfile. The webpage looked like this...