We created a super easy way to select an object just by gazing at it (hands-free!) – a must feature for VR video! Work and browse in headset We have a built-in virtual desktop, meaning you no longer need to remove your headset in order to surf your favourite sites. ...
虽然PCVR在综合体验上更胜一筹,但在使用成本、使用门槛等方面明显逊于移动VR,出于这样的考虑,Facebook此次必然是以Quest为主、以Rift S为辅。 第二,两线作战不可取,必须集中兵力。虽然Quest与Rift S是针对两个细分市场的产品,但强如Facebook毕竟精力也有限,因此其2019年的重点肯定是做好Quest的推广及销售,而Rift...
虽然PCVR在综合体验上更胜一筹,但在使用成本、使用门槛等方面明显逊于移动VR,出于这样的考虑,Facebook此次必然是以Quest为主、以Rift S为辅。 第二,两线作战不可取,必须集中兵力。虽然Quest与Rift S是针对两个细分市场的产品,但强如Facebook毕竟精力也有限,因此其2019年的重点肯定是做好Quest的推广及销售,而Rift...
The new Rift’s self-contained setup is far simpler. You plug in one USB cable and one DisplayPort cable, then run the Oculus desktop software, which guides you through setup. To draw boundaries around your play space, you don your headset, pick up one of the two hand controllers, and ...
49.Virtual Desktop – Virtual Desktop, Inc. 50.Virtual Virtual Reality – Tender Claws 51.VR Karts – Viewpoint Games 52.VRChat – VRChat 53.Wander – Parkline Interactive 从以上这么多内容来看,我们可以把Oculus Quest的首发内容进行一下简单的分类:首先是Oculus第一方的内容,这就不需要多说了;其次...
Create your account at Oculus.com, and install the Oculus Rift desktop software In the Oculus Rift software, under Settings – General, turn on the option for Unknown Sources (click ‘Allow’ when prompted) Step Two: Get Viveport You’ll need to download the Viveport desktop app to access...
You can browse available software and install it from within the Oculus Home environment on your headset, or use the Oculus application on the Windows desktop. 您可以浏览可用的软件,并从头戴式耳机的Oculus Home环境中安装它,或使用Windows桌面上的Oculus应用程序。
or, Create a desktop Launch shortcut. To do so, right click the Character Set in the top pane in ISBoxer, and select Create desktop Launch shortcut Note that later on if you need to re-launch a specific window (say it crashes for some reason or you closed out one of the windows),...
To begin, make sure your Oculus Rift headset is connected to your computer and powered on. Then, locate the Oculus app icon on your desktop or in your applications folder and double-click to launch it. Once the app is open, you will be greeted with a dashboard that provides access to ...
PCVR is the umbrella term used to refer to tethered VR headsets, which require a high-end desktop computer with a powerful graphics card to run. Examples of PCVR headsets are the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive, and my belovedValve Index. Right now, the standalone Oculus Quest 2 is selling ...