文档分类:行业资料|页数:约315页 文档列表文档介绍 Riemannian geometry (M.P. do Carmo)文献 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:315 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:新起点 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2015-12-07
下载积分:5000 内容提示: Graduate Texts in Mathematics 171Editorial BoardS. AxlerK.A. Ribet 文档格式:PDF | 页数:370 | 浏览次数:17 | 上传日期:2014-11-01 05:50:54 | 文档星级: Graduate Texts in Mathematics 171Editorial BoardS. AxlerK.A. Ribet ...
Riemannian Geometry - M. doCarmo [黎曼几何].Riemannian geometry,Carmo Riemannian Geometry M. doCarmo数学教材英文电子版 1 (AMS Chelsea Publishing) Cheeger, Jeff_ Ebin, D. G. - Comparison theorems in riemannian geometry-AMS Chelsea Pub. (2008)Riemannian...
文档名称: 白正国,.黎曼几何.初步.Riemannian.Geometry.2.ed.2004.chs文献.pdf 格式:pdf 页数:355页 该文档暂不支持下载,请选择其他文档。 下载后只包含 1 个 PDF 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,查看文件列表 如果您已付费下载过本站文档,您可以点这里二次下载白正国,.黎曼几何.初步.Riemannian.Geometry...
Sternberg, S.: Semi-Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity. http://www.math.harvard.edu/~shlomo/docs/semi_riemannian_geometry.pdfS. Sternberg, "Semi-Riemannian geometry and general relativity," Orange Grove Texts Plus, 2009....
[黎曼几何].Postnikov.Riemannian.Geometry http://www.namipan.com/d/%5b%e9%bb%8e%e6%9b%bc%e...
Exists as one of the few Works to combine both the geometric parts of Riemannian geometry and analytic aspects of the theory Presents a new approach to the Bochner technique for tensors that considerably simplifies the material Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras Part of the book series...
Riemannian geometry of Grassmann manifolds with a - Montefiore:黎曼几何格拉斯曼流形的一个-蒙特.pdf 2014-02-07上传 Riemannian geometry of Grassmann manifolds with a - Montefiore:黎曼几何格拉斯曼流形的一个-蒙特 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 248.57K ...
riemannian examples curvature diagonalize geometry orthonormal ExamplesWenowreadycurvaturetensorsexampleswecon-structedearlier.Aftercomputinggeneral,wefindexamplesconstantsectional,Ricci,scalarcurvature.par-ticular,weshalllookstandardproductmetricsalsoconstructRiemannianversionSchwarzschildmetric.exampleswepresenthereinclude...
Riemannian geometry : S. Gallot (University of Savoie, Chambéry, France), D. HULIN (University of Paris 11, Orsay) and J. Lafontaine (University of Paris 7, Paris) Universitext, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1987, XI+248 pp., Soft cover DM 48, ISBN 3-540-17923-2....