Shop Model 535 Threading Machine Pipe Threader now! Designed to maximize uptime with the upgrades that matter most to the pipe working professional.
item id:3304405 Weight: 4 lbs. Outstanding Jaws - Internal Chuck Jaws •Roll cut 6” thinwall with a 300 and 535 power drive in less than one minute. •The internal jaws fit inside the end of the pipe. Expand them outward until they evenly touch the inside wall of the pipe at th...
Manual Threading Die Heads Manual Ratchet Threaders Manual Receding Threaders Pipe Dies Carrying Cases Exposed Ratchet Bolt Threader Sets Three-Way Pipe Threaders Exposed Ratchet Threader Sets Ratchet & Handle Only Enclosed Ratchet Threader Sets...
Living Water International Pumps Clean Water into Poor Countries With RIDGID Pipe ThreaderEvery day, Americans turn on their faucets without giving a second thought to what it would be like to live with dirty water or, worse yet, no water at all. They take for granted that U.S. ...