拥有GitHub 开源项目的小伙伴,可以免费申请 JetBrains 全家桶 如果你手上有符合条件的开源项目,那你就赚大发了。你可以申请免费使用JetBrains公司旗下所有的旗舰版的IDE使用权 1 年,如果许可到期还可以继续申请。 对开源项目的要求主要是两点,没有star数量的限... 拥有GitHub 开源项目的小伙伴,可以免费申请 JetBrains 全家桶 如果你手上有符合条件的开源项目,那你就赚大发了。你可以申请免费使用JetBrains公司旗下所有的旗舰版的IDE使用权 1 年,如果许可到期还可以继续申请。 对开源项目的要求主要是两点,没有star数量的限...
Rider是Unity圈公认的最好用的IDE,连官方都对它赞不绝口。 不过因为它是收费的,很多小伙伴没办法体验到它的美妙之处。(流口水) Rider免费申请的方式有两种: 你是学生或老师,拥有edu结尾的邮箱可以申请: ...
and publishing to Azure and AWS. In addition to that, our Developer Advocates demonstrated why Rider is the ultimate IDE for game development, offering robust support for Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot, with engine-specific inspections and integrations, including the ability to index Unity...
Education and sporting activities for horses and riders Obrazovanje i sportske aktivnosti za konje i jahače tmClass A rider was crossing the plain a mile away. Jahač je prelazio ravnicu na milju udaljenosti. Literature They will be removed with finality by the all-conquering Ri...
This page lists pre-release builds of Rider, the .NET IDE from JetBrains. As this is pre-release software, the stability of builds presented here, as well as their applicability for a certain purpose, may (and most probably will) vary. Please use the builds at your own risk. ...