AKA The Frightened Woman, aka Femina Ridens. Beautiful Dagmar Lassander becomes an unwitting sex toy of the rich and sadistic Dr Sayer (Philippe Leroy) but as time progresses their relationship changes. This is neither a horror or giallo movie but a sex pyschological thriller. And a damn fine...
Ridens is a EU Public Affairs and business consultancy practice that assists organisations in dealing with compliance, regulatory and advocacy issues.
★ Ridens can ride together through online platf-ay(平台). Let's take R2 online platf-ay. It has over 20,000 online reactions(反应). They can take part in interesting activities online such as making their own cycling clubs. Also, /'pɜːpəz/ can see some wonderful ideas...
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peridens (pĕr′ĭ-dĕns) [″ + L.dens, tooth] A supernumerary tooth not situated in the dental arch. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners per·i·dens (per'i-denz) Supernumerary tooth appearing elsewhere than midline of the dental arch. ...
雷登斯酒店(Hotel Ridens) Viale Porto Palos, 156, 威瑟贝拉显示地图 莱登斯酒店位于里米尼托雷德雷拉,距离意大利小人国只有 4 分钟车程,且距离菲耶拉里米尼也只有 9 分钟车程。 此海滩酒店距离里米尼海滩 4.5 英里(7.2 公里),距离Viale Ceccarini (赛萨里尼大街) 10.8 英里(17.3 公里)。查看更多 ...
将“subridens"翻译成波兰文 uśmiechnięty是将“subridens"翻译成 波兰文。 译文示例:Subride. ↔ Uśmiech! subridens particle masculine 语法 + 加 拉丁语-波兰文字典 uśmiechnięty przymiotnik korneliusz 显示算法生成的翻译
Ronald Ridens Edit pageAdd to list Track Actor Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) High Rise 4: Peril to Prosperity(2025)...
Herichthys labridens 下颚强而有力,有助于它捕食蜗牛等甲壳类,具有浓烈的婚姻色。此为未进口过的品种,因此暂时没有中文名字。下颚强而有力,有助于它捕食蜗牛等甲壳类,具有浓烈的婚姻色。此为未进口过的品种,因此暂时没有中文名字。