How Prepared Is the U.S. Navy for War with China? China Is Secretly Building a Strange, New Sub What We Know About India’s Secret New Submarine China Could Build the World’s Fastest Submarines We Could Bring Back the Iowa-Class Battleships ...
How Lead Users Can Help You Ride the Innovation Wave Synthesio CMO Allen Bonde discusses how to identify lead users as sources commercial innovation opportunities. 1 March 2022 As Sandro Kaulartz recently explored, it’s the users or consumers of products who are the real pioneers of ...
Lulu and Bugs smiled and waved, calling out Merry Christmas before they ran like the wind through the gate and into the back yard where a yellow Lab sat waiting as if he knew exactly what they were there for. No leash was necessary because Jeter was already following the two out of ...
A face-to-face interview using a questionnaire was conducted from December 19 to 21, 2020, in crowded places of the city CBDs, when the city had successfully controlled the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be noted that an expected impact of the pandemic on travel was that...