Reflections on the ride of a lifetime: cancer free, stomachless, and loving life! November 28, 2024Reflections Can’t Stop. Can’t Stay. I am re-reading Bunyan's classic, "the Pilgrim's Progress" as part of a formation class. In one section, the main character Christian has to walk...
李昱曦读"The Ride of A Lifetime" 2023-07-31 07:25:5205:04 483 所属专辑:电子科大MBA2023级巅峰行者读书会 喜欢下载分享 声音简介The CEO of The Walt Disney Company shares the ideas and values he has used to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world....
所属专辑:电子科技大学MBA2023级 烈烈星火小组读书分享 喜欢下载分享 声音简介A grand vision defined: The CEO of Disney, one of Time’s most influential people of 2019, shares the ideas and values he embraced to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world and inspire the people who...
“People have been waiting years for Bob Iger to share his leadership secrets. Now he has, and they are utterly brilliant. The Ride of a Lifetime is not merely a memoir; it’s a personal, all-access session with the wisest CEO you’ve ever met and a playbook for handling the key ch...
读艾格自传 The Ride of a Lifetime 的时候,这段给我很大的震撼。这是商业决策和人性的交点。而乔布斯在这一幕里展示的真诚,尤其是关于自己脆弱和无力一面的真诚,即使是《乔布斯传》里也只有关于他身世和生父那一部分有差不多的感觉。 我也在意识到乔布斯死后关于他的故事更多地集中在他的完美主义,他嬉皮士的...
你跨越的步數讓你階躍式的提升-- 🍵每日思考 --▪️書籍:《一生的旅程》| The Ride Of A Lifetime▪️作者: [美] 羅伯特·艾格 或 鮑勃·艾格這本書於我而言是瑰寶 帶給我無限啓發與能量 我想鮑勃最終目的肯定也是希望讀者可以看後獲益 他做到了無論走到旅程中哪一階段 仍是那個一直以來的自己 我...
整理了罗伯特·艾格在《The Ride of a Lifetime》一书中提及的图书、电影、电视剧。部分电视节目和电视剧没有在豆瓣找到(或者说找的到但没有图片)就不放上来了。 毕竟是属于远古时代,属于二十世纪八九十年代。 如果乔布斯还活着,苹果和迪士尼很可能合并了。
of over 4700 highly fluorinated chemical substances. Studies have shown a number of negative health effects for humans and animals linked to PFAS: Immune system deficiencies, brain development and birth weights as well as different forms of cancer and disturbed reproduction systems, to name a few....
Epic,Trip of a Lifetime Hi All, Just returned from an Epic Trip to South Africa with Ride. Cape Crusader was an unbelievable experience. Toby,Ian, Anna and Megan were a Fantastic bunch of people. A Credit to the Tour Company. Accommodation,Food,Routes were exceptional. ...
89-Year-Old EV Enthusiast Gets the Ride of a Lifetime in a Ford Mustang Mach-E George Chartier has been fascinated by electric vehicles since boyhood. After a seven-decade wait, he finally got a ride in one. By Rich CepposPublished: Mar 12, 2023...