The Original Riddles Website - Thousands of the best riddles with answers for kids and adults.We have selected the best riddles to tell, share, and rate. Plus a riddle of the day, every day! Last updated:Mar 10, 2025 Thebest riddleswith answers are enigmas wrapped up in a puzzle and ...
From easy, funny questions to head-scratching brain-teasers, these clever riddles for kids might even stump the adults! (Thankfully there are answers.)
Funny riddles (with answers) that will make you laugh! These funny riddles will have you slapping your knees, rolling on the floor, and crying tears of merriment as you share some of our great hilarious riddles with your friends. Iflaughteris the best medicine then enjoy a dose of ourbest...
Answer: Riddles have always been a popular form of brain training fun. You may have seen the “What walks when you tie it up but stops when you untie it” riddle on the Internet or on social media and have been struggling with its answer for a while. What walks when you tie it up...
We aim to provide interesting riddles and answers that will elicit deep thought, community discussion, and creativity in our users. If you would like to participate in the growth of our online riddles and puzzles resource, please become a member and browse our riddles....
Valentine's Day with the Skunks Riddle: Skunks never skip Valentine’s Day, but why? Show Answer hard riddle word riddles puns funny riddles animal riddles short riddle love riddles Dislike Like Pickle Valentine Riddle: How did the pickle confess his love to his valentine? Show Hint ...
Test your logic and your common sense with a new riddle every day! Shake your brain and train it to think outside the box. • Receive notifications to never miss your daily riddle • Like your riddles to save them on your phone and see if you can find the answers again ...
12. Mr Li always asks for some water to wash the rice. He looks a little angry. What's13. Peter knows many things and can answer all the answers. What's he like?14. Today is Wednesday. What day is it tomorrow (明天)?15. It is a kind of work. We do it at home, not a...
Valentine's Day with the Skunks Riddle: Skunks never skip Valentine’s Day, but why? Show Answer hard riddle word riddles puns funny riddles animal riddles short riddle love riddles Dislike Like Pickle Valentine Riddle: How did the pickle confess his love to his valentine? Show Hint ...
Test your logic and your common sense with a new riddle every day! Shake your brain and train it to think outside the box. • Receive notifications to never miss your daily riddle • Like your riddles to save them on your phone and see if you can find the answers again • Browse...