Riddle: Your mom has 4 kids, one named North, another called South, and one East. What is the last child's name? Show Answer PREV NEXT In Category Riddles For Kids COMMENT Mom's Riddle by Dotloop v1. by Dotloop v2.
Riddle:Tom's mom hadfour kids: Nickel, Dime, Quarter, and? Smart Mom Riddle:Why didSillyBilly's mom write TGIF on his slippers? Riddle: Show Answer FOLLOW RIDDLES.COM SHARE THIS RIDDLES PAGE LINK TO Mothers Day Riddles If you would like to use this content on this page for your websi...
PuzzleFry is the hub for interview puzzles, brain teasers, logic puzzles, brain games, riddles, Logical Questions, Math and Number Puzzles and quizzes.
If you need fun easter trivia for your gatherings, you're in the right place. Luckily, I've been featured in Sorry on Mute and Outwittrade for my expertise in icebreakers and trivia. That's why I'm the expert you need to teach you these funny easter riddles with answers. Trending: ...
each clue might have a new birthday present to unwrap. This could quickly become a family tradition. Save this particular hunt for your tween. Use anoutdoor treasure hunt,indoor scavenger hunt, or even ascavenger hunt birthday partyfor the other members to find their presents during the rest ...
Stump your family and friends after you have some fun trying to figure out the answers for yourself. These riddles aren’t easy, but they can be solved with a bit of creative thinking. What’s the favorite food of mathematicians for Thanksgiving? Show answer What is hard, oddly-shaped,...
Riddles are a great way to exercise your brain, sharpen problem-solving skills, and have fun at the same time. Whether you’re looking to challenge your friends, test your own thinking, or simply enjoy a mental workout, these riddles for high school students are sure to keep you entertaine...
18.Whatdoyoucallyourfather-in-lawsonlychildsmother-in-law? 18.mom 20.Teacherswriteonmewithchalk.Ican’ttalk.WhatamI? 20.ablackboard 21.Youhaveit.Youreadit.Therearesomewordsandpicturesonit. Whatisit? 21.abook 22.Sometimesitlookslikeaboat.Sometimesitlookslikeasmallwhite ...
“riddler” while the rest of the family tries to figure out the answers. They’ll love the fact that even if it’s only for a second, they know more than Mom and Dad. Or pull them up on your phone and let the kids share a few while you’re on a long drive or while they ...
How do you know if there's a dinosaur in your refrigerator?(Look for footprints in the pizza!) What happened when the dinosaur took the train home?(She had to bring it back!) Mitchell: Why did the Triceratops cross the road? Robert: He didn't, the chicken crossed the road. Mitche...