Did you hear about the dog that gave birth to puppies at the side of the road?(She got a ticket for littering!) In the winter my dog wears his coat. In the summer he wears his coat and pants! Duck Jokes: What does a duck like to eat with soup?(Quackers!) What geometric figu...
One winter day, there was a man standing in the middle of someone’s front yard. The person stayed there for several weeks without moving and the owner of the yard didn’t mind. Eventually the man left. Who was he? A snowman.
(She got a ticket for littering!) In the winter my dog wears his coat. In the summer he wears his coat and pants!
Get Riddles: Funny & tricky, easy & hard riddles with answers for kids and for adults; the best riddles collection for any age and any brain.
What contains more feet in winter than in summer? An ice skating rink What 10-letter word starts with GAS? AUTOMOBILE! What animal drops from the clouds? The rain, dear What’s the worst season of the year for tightrope walkers?
tricky riddlespunseasy riddlesfunny riddleskids riddleanimal riddlesshort riddledomesticated animals DislikeLike He Who Buries Treasures Riddle: I stash treasures in the ground, And dig them out in winter. You can find me in a tree, Nibbling on my nutty dinner. What am I?
Q: If Mary has seven daughters and each has a brother, how many kids does Mary have? A: Eight - one boy and seven girls. Q: What can go up and down without moving? A: The temperature. Math Riddles for Kids When does 1 + 1 NOT equal four? In a riddle! These fun math riddles...
I stash treasures in the ground, And dig them out in winter. You can find me in a tree, Nibbling on my nutty dinner. What am I? Show Hint Show Answer what am i riddlepoemeasy riddleskids riddlerhyming riddlesanimal riddleswild animal riddlesshort riddle ...
It lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots on top? What is it?ANSWER: An icicle What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute?ANSWER:His breath ...
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