Riddle:I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I? Answer:An echo. 翻译:我没有嘴却能说话,没有耳朵却能听。我没有身体,但风能让我活起来。我是什么?——回声。 解释:这里用“说话”和“听”来形容回声的特性。 03 逻辑推理 ...
Every year, he would organize a riddle contest during the harvest festival. The villagers would gather around, listening intently as he posed a challenging riddle. This year's riddle was particularly tricky: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive ...
I Speak Without a Mouth Trains!!! I'm Only Here For Youth What are A & B? If You Are Late Short Squat And Silly I Need Water But I Never Drink You Are in a Room With a Box A Box of Gestures Eyes on the Path Mind Flayers ...
The answer to this riddle is: Yes, an echo. It can speak without a mouth, hear without ears, and is carried by the wind. We hope you liked this word riddle. Also Try |Word Riddle: Only The Smartest Can Solve This You might also like our collection ofbrain teaser...
I will be in the bulrushes with a shotgun, and I will shoot him when he comes. I will swim down to find you when he is gone.” Alfred thought that was a great idea and went down to the lake with the bamboo pole in his mouth. A few hours later, a ranger passed by. He ...
I cannot speak, I can only write. Over the years, I have many different appearances but I am still called by the same name. What is my name? View Answer A keyboard Did you know the answer? 17 normal If you take me apart when I am aligned and put me together scrambled, you are ...
who was pointing toward a vacancy of brush and prairie. I turned off the radio, so as to concentrate on, or try to understand, what I was seeing. I pulled up behind the overturned car without any sense that the couple was looking to me for h...
"No," said the Doctor, "I suppose that's true." "Well now I tell you what you do," said she: "as soon as you get back to the palace you publish a royal proclamation that you are going away for a week into the country for your health. And you're going WITHOUT ANY SERVANTS, ...
'Certainly I am determined, Wormtail.' There was a note of menace in the cold voice now. A slight pause followed–and then Wormtail spoke, the words tumbling from him in a rush, as though he was forcing himself to say this before he lost his nerve. 'It could be done without Harry...
He did not tell them anything without using a parable. / So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.”1 Corinthians 2:7No, we speak of the mysterious and hidden wisdom of God,...