PENTAX WG-8 グリーン[直販限定] NEW PENTAX WG-1000 グレー NEW *RICOH GR III HDF [安心の3年保証] 直販限定 3年間長期安心サービス *RICOH GR IIIx HDF [安心の3年保証] 直販限定 3年間長期安心サービス *smc PENTAX-FA 50mmF1.4 Classic[安心の3年保証] ...
Pentax WG-1000 camera firmware update version 1.01 released Byadmin|Published:November 28, 2024 Ricoh released a new firmware update version 1.01 for the Pentax WG-1000 camera that corrects some language problems: Posted inFirmware updates|TaggedPentax WG-1000|Leave a comment ...
【Ricoh Imaging】PENTAX WG-1000: Entry-class, waterproof digital compact camera, designed for casual underwater photography to a depth of 15 meters, for up to one hour of continuous operation 2024.06.04 News Release Ricoh and RIKEN Develop a Proprietary Algorithm to Detect Indicators of Technology...
PENTAX K-S2 PENTAX WG-M2 RICOH G900 RICOH GRIII RICOH GRIIIx ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain Forum ‹ Previous12Next › Threaded view Finished challenges Royal Roads Garden by Jim Cox from TreesFire Engine by wam7 from Fire EnginesBM604. - 8203[B][P] by D_edwardo ...
The WG-60 is the replacement to the WG-50. it seems that the only difference is the support for FlashAir Wi-Fi SD cards, which is the camera's only way to connect to mobile devices. The WG-60 will be available next month for £250 and will come in red or black. The camera wil...
News Release 【Ricoh Imaging】PENTAX WG-1000: Entry-class, waterproof digital compact camera, designed for casual underwater photography to a depth of 15 meters, for up to one hour of continuous operation 2024.06.04 News Release Ricoh and RIKEN Develop a Proprietary Algorithm to Detect Indicators...
In addition to the camera, the kit includes a pair of exclusive accessories: a compact, detachable viewfinder featuring the identical metallic gray finish and a genuine-leather hand strap. The viewfinder has the number 28 imprinted on its top panel to highlight the camera’s angle of view, wh...
自从Ricoh收购Pentax之后,不论是公司方向或产品定位都有些微的改变,从近期的THETA与WG-M1便可以察觉到,隐藏在血液里的反骨性格逐渐显露,可惜的是这并未反应在理光的主力机种GR身上,因为在Ricoh GR II发表前大家都对它充满了期待,毕竟是两年才改款的产品,市场上的中阶DSLR也不过如此,会对新一代GR寄予厚望我想也是...
•The camera also provides other new functions: the Enable AF mode has been added to the shutter-button settings. When the shutter-release button is depressed halfway down, the user can lock the AF system only, without locking the AE system; a distance setting of 3.5 meters has been adde...
3 Using the side of the battery to push the battery lock lever in the direction of 4, insert the battery with the PENTAX logo pointing toward the lens. Push the battery in until it is locked in place. If the battery is incorrectly oriented, malfunction may result. 4 Close the battery ...