另外,gx200中有一个非常新奇的模式叫snap模式,从名字就可以看出来这是个抓拍利器。gx200还支持自定义三种拍摄模式,我把my1设置为等效50mm焦距+snap模式,设置完了就像这样。这样非常方便街头抓拍。 对了,这个机器是可以设置分段式变焦的,设置之后变焦只有如下几个焦段:24、28、35、50、75。从上面的这些可以看出,gx...
我的第一台相机,RICOH GX200! 二期开始!一起来拍照吧,欢迎大家来上片。用好手中的GX200。 GX200 DIGITAL置顶作品(顺序无先后) maketangsogno1984yf0104150157疯人阿蔡ZC天梯意象Rdesign友情链接
RICOH理光GX200使用说明书.PDF,f=24mm, 1/17sec, F9.1, ISO100, EV±0, no trimming 24-72mm/F2.5(W)-4.4(T), 1/1.7 inch type 12 Megapixels CCD All lens focal lengths indicated in this catalog are 35mm camera equivalent values. f=72mm, 1/330sec, F4.4, ISO100, E
Uso dei manuali Insieme alla fotocamera Caplio GX100/Caplio GX100 VF KIT vengono forniti i seguenti due manuali. “Manuale d’istruzioni della fotocamera” (questo manuale) In questo manuale sono illustrate le procedure d’impiego e le funzioni della fotocamera. Inoltre, è descritta la ...
16G0652681SnapRing-M61 17B2343585CompressionSpring2 18B2343586CleaningBlade:No.2:Assy1 107 46.CleaningUnit2(D059/D060/D061) 2 3 5 105 4 9 523 8 10521104 20 22 10519 104 24 25 104 108 46.CleaningUnit2(D059/D060/D061) IndexQ’tyPerIndexQ’tyPer PartNo.DescriptionPartNo.Description No...
This combination is strikingly similar to the now discontinued Ricoh GX100 compact, which had the same size sensor and the same zoom range, with the latest GX200 model increasing the megapixel count to 12. Even the maximum aperture range - f/2.5-4.4 - is identical! Disregarding any ...
The electronic leveler is an innovative feature borrowed from the GR Digital III and GX200 models. This helps to ensure level shots, both in landscape and portrait mode. You can view the horizontal indicator on the LCD monitor to ensure that shots are aligned horizontally. If you can't see...
RICOH理光Caplio R7 数码相机用户指南.PDF,Camera User Guide The serial number of this product is given on the bottom face of the camera. Basic Operations If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section. This section provides a basic overv
The electronic leveler is an innovative feature borrowed from the GR Digital III and GX200 models. This helps to ensure level shots, both in landscape and portrait mode. You can view the horizontal indicator on the LCD monitor to ensure that shots are aligned horizontally. If you can't see...