理光GRIII 提高摄影水平 13:16 理光GRIII 夜景街景摄影设置和技巧 11:32 RICOH GRIII - 街头摄影的心灵早晨 11:15 7-RICOH GRIII the casual camera OSAKA streetphotography POV 10:32 与RICOH GRIII 日常摄影练习一起通勤 14:56 RICOH GRIII - 安静的邻里摄影 11:10 RICOH GRIII 照片编辑工作...
最好的数码扫街相机——理光Ricoh GR Digital III 16:01 Canon demi c —— 可置换镜头的半格相机 松楚委员 41 0 全世界最棒的彩色胶片——VELVIA 50 松楚委员 3156 0 玛米亚7二代值得买吗? 猫吉屋 2766 1 海鸥出口版(Texer)皮腔折叠中画幅胶片相机 松楚委员 50 0 大光圈经典之作——Canon's...
个人理解GR的定位,就是玩具,一个有着非常好的操控的玩具,对其画质不需要有太多的要求,就是好用。同时还拥有contax t2、t3, 美能达tc1等所谓的compact相机,GR是所用过操控最好的,所有的按键以及手感都是最好的,但是有一个问题,就是做工实在太差,从胶片机的液晶屏漏液胶卷漏光等问题到现在数码的镜头进灰、出厂...
建议:RICOH理光GRIII适合初次购买数码相机的消费者,易上手、反应速度快,拍照效果好。但需要注意光圈限制和电池续航,可以考虑备用电池备用。 查看全部 小编说: 京东理光映像旗舰店现券后到手价5699元,白条3期免息,国行史低价,APS-C画幅,轻巧便携,街拍好选。
理光Ricoh-GR-DIGITAL-III-相机使用说明书手册搜索 Before You BeginBefore using your camera, take a few moments to familiarize your-self with camera controls and displays (pages 1–8). Refer to this sec-tion as you read through the rest of the manual.Basic Photography and PlaybackRead this se...
For those of you with a Ricoh GR camera, a new version of the GR III and GR IIIx, called HDF (or, Highlight Diffusion Filter), was just announced. There's not much different between the HDF model and the regular one other than the built-in ND filter has
Adobe Camera RAW 15.1 现在支持六种 Ricoh GR III 和 IIIx 相机匹配配置文件(标准、生动、正片、单色、高对比单色调): #数码资讯#|#亿点曝光计划#|#数码#
Re: New firmware for both GR III and IIIx In reply tomaltmoose•Jul 29, 2023 I had a similar thing happen with the level. Right after I installed the firmware, I still only had two levels. After fiddling with the camera a bit, I check and three levels appeared. ...
As you can see, this camera is definitely not for everyone. But just like you wouldn’t use a chainsaw to slice your bread, it doesn’t mean it is a useless tool. The Ricoh GR III is by no means a one-trick pony to do it all. That’s what your iPhone is. The Ricoh GR...
Ricoh GRIIIx camera matching profiles are missing in LR mobile, but present in LR desktop. I'm running the latest version on both my iPad and iPhone, same - 13987375