President of RICOH Futures Business Unit FY2023 Business Unit Reports Figures comply with International Financial Reporting Standards Environment, Social, and Governance Message from the Chairperson of the Board of Directors Keisuke Yokoo Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Outside Director ...
The committee include an executive officer who has been appointed as risk management director by the Board of Directors, and its administrative office is the risk management support division, which is independent from the business divisions. By having experts from each organization as committee members...
Board of Directors Yoshinori YamashitaChairman Akira OyamaPresident, CEO, CTO & Representative Director Takashi KawaguchiChief Financial Officer & Director Shigenao IshiguroOutside Director Yoko TakedaOutside Director Keisuke YokooIndependent Director
President of RICOH Futures Business Unit FY2023 Business Unit Reports Figures comply with International Financial Reporting Standards Environment, Social, and Governance Message from the Chairperson of the Board of Directors Keisuke Yokoo Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Outside Director ...
Board of directors structure Number of board meetings Board meeting attendance Audit & supervisory board structure Number of audit & supervisory board meetings Audit & supervisory board meeting attendance Nomination committee structure Number of nomination committee meetings ...
discuss the status of initiatives, issues, and investment decisions related to ESG themes, such as environmental contamination, as important themes for management. Its deliberations are regularly reported to the Board of Directors, which then supervises the execution of ESG activities at a high level...
deliberated and decided upon by the ESG Committee, which consists of the CEO as the Chairman, all Internal Directors, and Executive Officers. These decisions are made in conjunction with the financial goals of the mid-term management strategy and are approved by the Board of Directors before ...
Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members (1P/1.8MB) Conversation between Outside Directors (4P/1.9MB) Corporate Governance Structure (14P/192KB) Risk Management (1P/52KB) Specific Measures to Strengthen Security (1P/36KB) Financial and Future Financial Highlights (4P/76KB...
The number of treasury stocks (75 thousand shares) is not included in the chart above. Treasury stocks do not include shares of the Company (371 thousand shares) held by the Board Incentive Plan trust in which beneficiaries include Directors and Executive Officers. ...
[Ricoh Global Official Website] View the major environmental labels, which our products and services have obtained.