Kathleen TurnerVoiced Monogatron Queen in "The Old Man and the Seat".VoicedStacy Lovellin "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy". Crew[edit] External links[edit] Rick and MortyatWikipedia [show] view•talk•edit•past Cultural references
https://www.adultswim.com/videos/rick-and-morty 《瑞克和莫蒂》(英语:Rick and Morty)是一部于Adult Swim播出的美国电视科幻情景喜剧动画,主要围绕于愤世嫉俗的疯狂科学家瑞克·桑切斯和他容易受挫折的外孙莫蒂·史密斯在自己的生活和其他异空间穿梭的奇妙冒险。该剧由贾斯汀·罗兰德和丹·哈蒙所创作,而罗兰德...
Wikipedia would have you believe the film received a lukewarm reception and, guess what, they’re wrong. A lot of reviews I read on Rotten Tomatoes were positive. They like the gags, the acting and well, that’s all they wrote up. Not one mentioned the ship, the cutimes, the helmet....
Rick and Morty and Philosophy But the Rockin' All Over The World singer says in his new autobiography, I Talk Too Much, that Rick changed after his daughter drowned aged two. 'Death jokes were Parfitt the course' " Generoso likewise sang with Rick, doing a duet version of James Taylor'...
根据wikipedia的说法,已经确定了接下来还有70集的内容。这部剧讲的是一位总是醉醺醺的疯狂科学家Rick带着他善良但是傻傻的外孙Morty(有时还有外孙女Summer)四处冒险的故事。托Rick发明的传送枪(portal gun)和宇宙飞船的福,冒险的范围包括且不限于外太空和平行宇宙,情节天马行空且荒诞不经,发展总能出人意料,让人...
Morty被Rick缩小之后进入了一个人的身体里 他们在逃出这个人的身体的过程中遇到了各种病毒和细菌怪兽,...
该名称的起源来自[统计物理学](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_function_(statistical_mechanics))中一个模拟粒子群分布的方程。 分母或规范化常数,有时也称为*配分函数*(其对数称为对数-配分函数)。该名称的起源来自[统计物理学](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_function_(statistical_...
【Rick and ..等番期间太无聊,打算翻来覆去多看几遍。最后一集里边姥爷进监狱了,给人很多未来走向的瞎想空间。我决定从明天起,每天总结一点有趣的细节,或者开一些脑洞。如果有和别人雷同或者不靠谱之处,请见谅。欢迎大家一起
In the episode, Rick gives Jerry a device to enhance the dog's intelligence while Rick and Morty get lost in the dreams of Morty's math teacher. 該集主要描述瑞克給了傑瑞一個能增強寵物狗鼻鼻智慧的裝置,而瑞克和莫蒂則在之後迷失在莫蒂的數學老師之夢境中。 LASER-wikipedia2 So, Rick, yo...
桑切斯金属是我瞎编的 傻hearts;逼hearts;们 Don’t believe everything you read on Wikipedia. 别在维hearts;基hearts;百hearts;科hearts;上读到什么都信啊 Stand down. 戒卫解除 He’s not afraid of pirates. 他不怕海盗 Oh! Run, Morty! That part was true! 快跑Morty 怕海盗是真的 II can’t ...