【阿芒*rick&morty瑞克和莫蒂】unity与rick分别,rick想自杀bgm《do you feel it》翻唱是阿芒子 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 13.4万 0 00:13 App 相伴到永远 2.1万 0 03:33 App “我忘了,所以我很惭愧,所以我很骄傲!” 3238 0 02:29 App 一个自大的莫蒂会导致很严重的后果 ...
Come on, Morty.Just take it easy, Morty.It's gonna be good.Right now, we're gonna go pickup your little friend Jessica. Jessica?From my math class? When I drop the bomb, I don't...You know, I want you to have somebody,you know... I want you to have the thing...I'm gon...
(在学校,rick给morty解释他们处在一个模拟仓中,估计是做戏给aliens看的...我严重怀疑rick想顺便检查一下控制者是否也把morty的jj模拟出来了...结果是morty有jj,那么这些不能见**的aliens也是煞费苦心了...) 那么问题来了 为什么rick知道morty是模拟的还要一直带着他呢? 我觉得morty是Rick用来判断自己是否还处在...
RickandMorty第1季 S01E01 Morty,yougottocomeon.Morty来 Yougottocomewithme.跟我走一趟 What’sgoingon?咋回事儿 Igotasurpriseforyou,morty.我给你个惊喜 It’sthemiddleofthenight.Whatareyoutalkingabout? 可现在是半夜啊 Igotasurpriseforyou.Comeon,hurryup.有惊喜快来 ...
这些集点卡太假了 莫蒂 我不接受 This stinks to high heaven Morty, I’m not accepting these. 我就知道你会不认帐 I knew you were going to do this. 所以我保留了证据 我有做成纪录 So I got receipts, bitch. I kept notes. 这根本乱写一通 "莫蒂龙之岛" ...
截止第四季,Rick and Morty 全程高能,但最最最虐我的是3-9、4-2集。如果说,眼罩 Morty 音乐响起的那一刻,感受到的是人性最极致的恶;那么,这两集给我最大的冲击是爱与孤独的刻骨铭心。全宇宙最聪明的 Rick , 上天入地无所不能,掌握着宇宙一切奥秘,但却偏偏是最孤独的人。S L 横飞的4-2集,...
Rick and Morty have teleported into your living room for a cutting-edge VR adventure Play as a Morty clone as you explore Ricks garage, the Smith household, and alien worlds. Experience life as a clone of Morty and all the trauma that comes with it. Step
The #1 multi-dimensional grandson fighting simulator in the galaxy is back and better than ever! You’re Rick Sanchez, everyone’s favorite unstable genius. You’re yelling at Morty in your garage when a Mysterious Rick pops out of a portal and ruins your life. He traps you in an unfamili...
RickandMorty 第 1 季 S01E01 Morty, you got to come on. You got to come with me. What’s going on? I got a surprise for you, morty. morty: /'mɔ:ti/ n. 莫蒂(男子名, 等于 Morton) It’s the middle of the night. What are you talking about? I got a surprise for you. ...
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