Dan Harmon is the co-creator ofRick and Mortyalongside Roiland. The two share a long history going back to the Channel 101 days. While both Roiland and Harmon are skilled storytellers, Harmon has truly delved into the science of story throughout his career. Harmon is best known for creating...
Adult Swim is releasing shortform spinoffs from 'Rick and Morty,' 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force,' 'Robot Chicken' and 'Pretty Face Is Going to Hell.
Evil Morty’s presence has loomed over the show ever since his debut, as he secretly executed the murder of multiple Ricks, kidnapped and tortured countless Mortys, and became elected president of the Citadel of Ricks. For years, this Morty has been the subject of numerous fan theories, and ...
Pestered by Morty for a love potion so he could win over the girl of his dreams, Rick concocted a serum to make her fall in love with him. Unbeknownst to them, Morty’s target had the flu, which caused the chemicals to piggyback off the virus and make everyone not genetically related...
It’s easy to insult Rick and Morty co-creator and former star Justin Roiland by calling him the show’s real-life Jerry, but it’s also a little unfair — Jerry Smith isn’t an alleged pedo, no matter who believes he’s “beekeeping age.”There’s something very telling about the ...
“Rick and Morty” has been renewed for two more seasons at Adult Swim, propelling television’s favorite mad scientist and grandson duo through Season 12. As Season 8 is slated for 2025, and the Season 10 renewal was announced in 2023, the Season 12 greenlight pushes the Emmy-winning anima...
tone for Adult Swim with its sardonic humor, experimental narratives, and out-there visuals. It also took a uniquely off-the-cuff approach, which co-creator Loren Bouchard described toGQas a blend of improv and cheap animation. We now see this echoed in productions like "Rick and Morty." ...
Rick, Morty and Summer pick up Beth, Jerry and the last few survivors and fly off. The family finally leaves in their car, and gives the ship to the Ricklets (which Rick placing a tracer and a bomb on board, planning to blow it up if they come near Earth seeking revenge). ...
Rick and Morty Cartoon Network Enterprises has a lot of surprises in store for fans in 2018. Products cover franchises such asThe Powerpuff Girls(celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year),Ben 10,Rick and Morty,Adventure Time, Steven Universe,We Bare Bears, and more!
High on Lifeplays exactly like aRicky and Mortyjoke riff: It makes a strong impression upfront, sustains that energy for a while, goes on a little too long for its own good, and tapers off before delivering a true punch line. It can be a touch uneven at times, especially in its hit...