wanted to kill. the pics on the right indicate that mr. and mrs. poopybutthole did the same toxin purge as rick and morty did in “rest and ricklaxation.” adult swim the whole “sick cat dying” part of the video was a hell of a gut punch, but, hey, there’s a plumbus dog ...
Rick and morty的内核主题一直是去中心化,反解读的,是零散到某一集,某个细微之处所体现的编剧想表达的处事态度与哲学,贯穿在Rick和morty的冒险过程里,所以编剧才会采用单元剧这种形式来进行创作,因为这种格式的主题和形式都比较自由。在每一个episode里面,编剧可以自由地选择表达各种主题,比如对人生意义的思考(s2e06...
而在Mondo 限定的豪華版中,更追加了瑞克的打嗝臉、邪惡莫蒂的頭雕、每個家庭都會有但意義不明的普拉卜斯(Plumbus),以及超級讚的迷你醃黃瓜瑞克、迷你老鼠王模型!實在超爆讚啊! Rick & Morty Figure Set、Deluxe Figure Set (Mondo Exclusive) 建議售價:普通版 美金 100 元,豪華版 美金 120 元,商品規格:約 1...
in a Jar) S6 (Sleepy Gary / Hamurai) S7 (Uncle Steve / Reverse Giraffe) S8 (Cousin Nicky / Big Duck) S9 (Sun with Sunglasses / Mr. Beauregard) S10 (Rick and Morty Monster) S11 Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub S12 (Rick and Morty Alien) S13 (Schrödinger's Cat / Plumbus) S14 Jerryboree!
Mike Gencarelli:When did you first encounter Cartoon Network’s Rick and Morty and why did it spark your interest? Matt Brady:I think I found it like a lot of its audience – through the word of mouth of the internet – memes, clips and jokes. I got into it shortly after season 1 ...